Variable: Coordination of wage-setting
QoG Code: (vi_wcoord)
Coordination of wage-setting.
- Binding norms regarding maximum or minimum wage rates or wage increases issued as a result of a) centralized bargaining by the central union and employers' associations, with or without government involvement, or b) unilateral government imposition of wage schedule/freeze, with or without prior consultation and negotiations with unions and/or employers' associations.
- Non-binding norms and/or guidelines (recommendations on maximum or minimum wage rates or wage increases) issued by a) the government or government agency, and/or the central union and employers' associations (together or alone), or b) resulting from an extensive, regularized pattern setting coupled with high degree of union concentration and authority.
- Procedural negotiation guidelines (recommendations on, for instance, wage demand formula relating to productivity or inflation) issued by a) the government or government agency, and/or the central union and employers' associations (together or alone), or b) resulting from an extensive, regularized pattern setting coupled with high degree of union concentration and authority.
- Some coordination of wage setting, based on pattern setting by major companies, sectors, government wage policies in the public sector, judicial awards, or minimum wage policies.
- Fragmented wage bargaining, confined largely to individual firms or plants, no coordination.
Type of variable: Categorical
Labour Market
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