Variable: Enlightened Understanding of Democracy

QoG Code: (wel_demenl)

Dataset: Data from Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel


Meaning: 6-item index measuring the extent to which people's understanding of democracy is enlightened in the sense that they define democracy ``correctly'' by its liberal core and at the same time explicitly reject non-liberal alternative notions.
Source: Index invented and documented in Welzel, Freedom Rising (2013: 79; 310-315), (Online Appendix, p. 100), based on data from the World Values Surveys, countries from rounds five and six.
Scaling: Multi-point index from minimum 0 when all three liberal notions of democracy are fully rejected and all three non-liberal notion fully accepted, to maximum 1.0, when the exact opposite is the case, with proper fractions for intermediate positions. Country scores are population averages (arithmetic mean) on the 0-1 index.
Remarks: Individual-level scores are normally distributed around the mean in each national sample.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2014-03-01


Political System

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