Political System

This category includes variables describing the rules of the political system (presidential or parliamentary system), the chief executive (years in office), regime type, stability (age of present regime), and checks and balances as well as aspects of federalism.

Official Religion
QoG Code: biu_offrel
Democratic transition
QoG Code: bmr_demtran
Democratic Breakdown
QoG Code: bnr_dem
No. of chambers in parliament
QoG Code: br_chpar
Is the country a colony
QoG Code: br_col
Is the country a democracy
QoG Code: br_dem
Is the country a monarchy
QoG Code: br_mon
Is the monarch female
QoG Code: br_monf
New constitution implemented
QoG Code: br_newconst
Did the main regime change
QoG Code: br_regch
Approval of Democracy
QoG Code: bti_aod
Basic Administration
QoG Code: bti_ba
Civil Society Participation
QoG Code: bti_csp
Civil Society Traditions
QoG Code: bti_cst
Democracy Status
QoG Code: bti_ds
Equal Opportunity
QoG Code: bti_eo
Effective Power to Govern
QoG Code: bti_epg
Free and Fair Elections
QoG Code: bti_ffe
International Cooperation
QoG Code: bti_ic
Interest Groups
QoG Code: bti_ig
Level of Difficulty
QoG Code: bti_lod
Political Participation
QoG Code: bti_pp
Private Property
QoG Code: bti_prp
Party System
QoG Code: bti_ps
Rule of Law
QoG Code: bti_rol
State Identity
QoG Code: bti_si
Separation of Powers
QoG Code: bti_sop
QoG Code: bti_st
Component 2: Objectives
QoG Code: cbi_cobj
Regional Diffusion for CBI
QoG Code: cbi_difreg
Legislative Initiative Allowed
QoG Code: ccp_initiat
QoG Code: chga_demo
Regime Institutions
QoG Code: chga_hinst
Whether the state is an oligarchy
QoG Code: chisols_olig
Number of SOLS changes in the year
QoG Code: chisols_solschange
Number of leader transitions in the year
QoG Code: chisols_totalldrtrans
Satisfaction with Democracy
QoG Code: cses_sd
Accountability Transparency
QoG Code: diat_ati
Information Transparency
QoG Code: diat_iti
Transparency Index
QoG Code: diat_ti
Index of Globalization
QoG Code: dr_ig
Political Globalization
QoG Code: dr_pg
E-Government Index
QoG Code: egov_egov
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: egov_epar
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: egov_hci
Online Service Index
QoG Code: egov_osi
State Legitimacy
QoG Code: ffp_sl
Political Rights
QoG Code: fh_pr
Freedom Status
QoG Code: fh_status
QoG Code: gtm_parl
QoG Code: gtm_unit
Duration of Autocratic Regime
QoG Code: gwf_duration
Regime Failure
QoG Code: gwf_fail
Regime Failure - Ending Type
QoG Code: gwf_failtype
Regime Failure - Level of Violence
QoG Code: gwf_failviolent
Regime Type
QoG Code: gwf_regimetype
Legislative Chamber
QoG Code: h_l1
2nd Legislative Chamber
QoG Code: h_l2
Political Constraints Index V
QoG Code: h_polcon5
Freedom from Government
QoG Code: hf_govt
HRV Index
QoG Code: hrv_index
Regime Type
QoG Code: ht_regtype
Regime Type (simplified)
QoG Code: ht_regtype1
Appointment of Executive
QoG Code: iaep_ae
Constitutional Court
QoG Code: iaep_cc
Executive Veto Power
QoG Code: iaep_evp
Legislature Approves Budget
QoG Code: iaep_lap
Legislature Veto Power
QoG Code: iaep_lvp
Official State Party
QoG Code: iaep_osp
Unitary or Federal State
QoG Code: iaep_ufs
Bicameral System
QoG Code: jw_bicameral
Single Party System
QoG Code: jw_oneparty
First Multiparty Election
QoG Code: nelda_fme
Unitary or Federal State
QoG Code: no_ufs
Regime Durability
QoG Code: p_durable
Revised Combined Polity Score
QoG Code: p_polity2
Federal Political Structure
QoG Code: pt_federal
Forms of Government
QoG Code: pt_pres
Entry at the lowest level only
QoG Code: qs20_close1
Entry via examination
QoG Code: qs20_close2
Special Laws
QoG Code: qs20_close3
Closedness Index
QoG Code: qs20_close_pca
Political Interference
QoG Code: qs20_impar1
QoG Code: qs20_impar2
QoG Code: qs20_proff1
QoG Code: qs20_proff2
QoG Code: qs20_proff3
Professionalism Index
QoG Code: qs20_proff_pca
QoG Code: sgi_cb24
QoG Code: sgi_co24
Diagonal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_da24
Democratic Government
QoG Code: sgi_dg24
Environmental Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_envs24
Economic Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_es24
Good Governance
QoG Code: sgi_go
Governing with Foresight
QoG Code: sgi_gwf24
Horizontal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_ha24
Robust Democracy
QoG Code: sgi_qd
Robust Democracy: Rule of Law
QoG Code: sgi_qdrl
QoG Code: sgi_sm24
Sustainable Policymaking
QoG Code: sgi_sp24
Social Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_ss24
Vertical Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_va24
KOLFU: Former politician hired
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr2
KOLFU: The influence of municipal council
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl1
KOLFU: The influence of respondents
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl10
KOLFU: The influence of bureaucrats
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl5
KOLFU: The influence of citizens
QoG Code: swm_kfu_polinfl6
Share of women in municipal assembly
QoG Code: swm_scb_mafem
Voter turnout in municipal elections
QoG Code: swm_scb_voteturn
Ideology of ruling coalition
QoG Code: swm_skl_rulcoal
Index of Democratization
QoG Code: van_index
Deliberative democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_delibdem
Deliberative component index
QoG Code: vdem_dl_delib
Electoral component index
QoG Code: vdem_edcomp_thick
Egalitarian component index
QoG Code: vdem_egal
Egalitarian democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_egaldem
Liberal democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_libdem
Liberal component index
QoG Code: vdem_liberal
Participatory component index
QoG Code: vdem_partip
Participatory democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_partipdem
Electoral democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_polyarchy
Democratic Rights
QoG Code: wel_dr
Effective Democracy Index
QoG Code: wel_edi
Regime Type
QoG Code: wel_regtype
Political System Type
QoG Code: wel_sys
QoG Code: wr_nonautocracy
Regime Type
QoG Code: wr_regtype
World Uncertainty Index
QoG Code: wui_wui
Confidence: The Civil Services
QoG Code: wvs_confcs
Confidence: The Government
QoG Code: wvs_confgov
Confidence: Parliament
QoG Code: wvs_confpar
Confidence: The United Nations
QoG Code: wvs_confun
Importance of democracy
QoG Code: wvs_demimp
Democraticness in own country
QoG Code: wvs_democ
Important in life: Politics
QoG Code: wvs_imppol
Interest in politics
QoG Code: wvs_polint