Variable: Emancipative Values Index

QoG Code: (wel_evi)

Dataset: Data from Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel


Meaning: Protective-vs.-Emancipative Values'' - 12-item index measuring a national culture's emphasis on universal freedoms in the domains of (1) reproductive choice (acceptance of divorce, abortion, homosexuality), (2) gender equality (support of women's equal access to education, jobs and power), (3) people's voice (priorities for freedom of speech and people's say in national, local and job affairs), and (4) personal autonomy (independence, imagination and non-obedience as desired child qualities). Source: Index invented and documented in Welzel, Freedom Rising (2013: 66-69), (Online Appendix, p. 20-29), based on data from the World Values Surveys, all countries and time points. Scaling: Continuous scale, ranging from a theoretical minimum of 0 when the least emancipative position is taken on all 12 items, to a maximum of 1.0 when the most emancipative position is taken on all 12 items. Intermediate positions are given in fractions of 1.0. Country scores are population averages (arithmetic mean) on the 0-1 index. Remarks: The EVI is a conceptual refinement of Inglehart and Welzel's (2005)Survival-vs.-Self-expression Values''. Individual-level scores are normally distributed around the mean in each national sample. In the context of Freedom Rising's human empowerment framework, emancipative values are interpreted as motivational empowerment.

Type of variable: Categorical

Last updated by source: 2014-03-01


Civil Society/Population/Culture

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