Civil Society/Population/Culture

This category includes variables that relate to social capital, personal beliefs, size and distribution of the population as well as ethnic and linguistic fractionalization.

Conflict Intensity
QoG Code: bti_ci
Civil Society Participation
QoG Code: bti_csp
Civil Society Traditions
QoG Code: bti_cst
Equal Opportunity
QoG Code: bti_eo
Interest Groups
QoG Code: bti_ig
Political Participation
QoG Code: bti_pp
Social Capital
QoG Code: bti_sc
Socio-Economic Barriers
QoG Code: bti_seb
State Identity
QoG Code: bti_si
Right to Marry in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_marriage
Social Globalization
QoG Code: dr_sg
Trust in Other People
QoG Code: ess_trpeople
Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_m
Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_t
Number of deaths of females, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalf
Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_demd2janf
Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_demd2janm
Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_demd2jant
Deaths - Female
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdf
Deaths - Male.
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdm
Deaths - Total
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdt
Fertility rate, Total
QoG Code: eu_demfrate2
Natural change of population
QoG Code: eu_demgrownnat
Total population change
QoG Code: eu_demgrowt
Live births - Female
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlf
Live births - Male
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlm
Live births - Total
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlt
Mean age of woman at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_demmawc
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Male
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpm
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Total
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpt
Internet use: internet banking
QoG Code: eu_isiubk
Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_isiux
Internet use: Internet banking
QoG Code: eu_iu_iubk
Mean age of women at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_nmarpct
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15m
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25m
Cultural Diversity
QoG Code: fe_cultdiv
Ethnic Fractionalization
QoG Code: fe_etfra
Largest Minority
QoG Code: fe_lmin
Plurality Group
QoG Code: fe_plural
Demographic Pressure
QoG Code: ffp_dp
State Legitimacy
QoG Code: ffp_sl
Social Readiness
QoG Code: gain_soc
Corruption Perception: NGOs
QoG Code: gcb_pngo
Population (in the 1000's)
QoG Code: gle_pop
Global Peace Index
QoG Code: gpi_gpi
Safety and Security
QoG Code: gpi_ss
Social Trust Index
QoG Code: hum_sti
Support for Democracy Index
QoG Code: hum_supdem
Rural Economy Score
QoG Code: iiag_rs
E-Citizenship (index)
QoG Code: ipi_e
Elderly population
QoG Code: oecd_agedpopgeo_g1
Population growth rates
QoG Code: oecd_evopop_g1
Population levels
QoG Code: oecd_evopop_t1
Foreign-born population
QoG Code: oecd_migforpop_t1a
Current choice on BREXIT
QoG Code: per_UKq2
Age of Respondent
QoG Code: per_d3
QoG Code: per_d4
QoG Code: per_d6
Population Weight
QoG Code: per_pweight
Being European: Christianity
QoG Code: per_q10.3
Being European: European Flag
QoG Code: per_q10.4
Trust in Other People
QoG Code: per_q11
Income Inequality
QoG Code: per_q13
Economic Satisfaction
QoG Code: per_q17
Supported Political Party
QoG Code: per_q6
Regional Identity
QoG Code: per_q9.1
National Identity
QoG Code: per_q9.2
European Identity
QoG Code: per_q9.3
Population (in millions)
QoG Code: pwt_pop
Working age population
QoG Code: sied_popu1564
Population above age of 65
QoG Code: sied_popu65ab
Population above normal pension age
QoG Code: sied_popuabpa
QoG Code: sied_spop1564
KOLFU: When decisions are made
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial5
KOLFU: When decisions are evaluated
QoG Code: swm_kfu_dial7
Long-term unemployment (%)
QoG Code: swm_kol_unemp
Average life expectancy, men
QoG Code: swm_scb_lifexpmen
Average life expectancy, women
QoG Code: swm_scb_lifexpwom
Mean age of population
QoG Code: swm_scb_meanage
Net births
QoG Code: swm_scb_netbirth
Net migrants
QoG Code: swm_scb_netmig
QoG Code: swm_scb_pop
Population increase in total numbers
QoG Code: swm_scb_popinc1
Male Population (% of total population)
QoG Code: swm_scb_popmale
Women political empowerment index
QoG Code: vdem_gender
CPIA gender equality rating
QoG Code: wdi_gendeqr
Population, total
QoG Code: wdi_pop
Population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popgr
Rural population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_poprulgr
Urban population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popurbagr
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: wef_epi
Associational Activity
QoG Code: wel_aa
Citizen Rights
QoG Code: wel_citrig
Cognitive Mobilization
QoG Code: wel_cm
Culture Zone
QoG Code: wel_culture
Emancipative Values Index
QoG Code: wel_evi
Individual Empowerment
QoG Code: wel_ie
Perceived Stimulation
QoG Code: wel_ps
Social Movement Activity
QoG Code: wel_sma
Generalized Trust
QoG Code: wel_trgen
In-Group Trust
QoG Code: wel_trigr
Out-Group Trust
QoG Code: wel_trogr
Trust (Standard)
QoG Code: wel_trstd
Unspecific Trust
QoG Code: wel_trunsp
Median Age, as of 1 July (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage
Projected Median Age in 2030 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2030
Projected Median Age in 2050 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2050
Autonomy Index
QoG Code: wvs_auton
Justifiable: cheating on taxes
QoG Code: wvs_jacot
Post-Materialist index 12-item
QoG Code: wvs_pmi12
Post-Materialist index 4-item
QoG Code: wvs_pmi4
Satisfaction with your life
QoG Code: wvs_satlif
REGR factor score 2 for analysis 1
QoG Code: wvs_survself
Most people can be trusted
QoG Code: wvs_trust