Variable: Social Movement Activity

QoG Code: (wel_sma)

Dataset: Data from Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel


Meaning: 3-item index measuring to what extent three types of peaceful social movement activities (petitions, demonstrations, boycotts) are part of a national culture's action repertoire.
Source: Index invented and documented in Welzel, Freedom Rising (2013: 222-225), (Online Appendix, p. 66-70), based on data from the World Values Surveys.
Scaling: Multi-point index from a theoretical minimum 0 when none of the three activities is part of the action repertoire to 1.0 when all three of them are. On each activity, non-execution is coded 0, anticipated execution .33 and actual execution 1. Then for each individual the average over the three activities is calculated. Country scores are population averages (arithmetic mean) on the 0-1 index.
Remarks: Individual-level scores are normally distributed around the mean in each national sample. In the context of Freedom Rising's human empowerment framework, social movement activity is interpreted as behavioural empowerment.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2014-03-01


Civil Society/Population/Culture

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