Change in Source of Leader Support

Data source: Change in Source of Leader Support

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The 'Change in Source of Leader Support' (CHISOLS) data is a collaborative effort by Brett Ashley Leeds (Rice University) and Michaela Mattes (University of California, Berkeley). The data collection was supported by National Science Foundation grant SES-0921781 'Collaborative Research: Interests, Institutions, and Foreign Policy Change.'

The goal of the CHISOLS data is to differentiate leader transitions in which a new leader comes to office who depends on different societal groups for support than their predecessor from leader transitions where both the current leader and their predecessor rely on essentially the same groups for support.

The data cover all countries with a population of more than 500,000 between 1919-2018. CHISOLS is available in two formats, one with the state-year as unit of analysis, and one with the leader as unit of analysis. The current release is version 5.0.

Last updated by source: 2021-03-15

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Mattes, M., Leeds, B. A., & Matsumura, N. (2016). Measuring change in source of leader support: The CHISOLS dataset. Journal of Peace Research, 53(2), 259–267.

Variables in this dataset:

   Whether the autocratic regime ended in the year
QoG Code: chisols_autend

Coded 1 when a particular autocratic subregime ends either in a nondemocratic country-year (chisols_auttrans coded 1) or in the first democratic year following an autocratic subregime (chisols_regtrans coded 1), 0 if no autocratic subregime ends during a nondemocratic country-year, and -9 for not applicable for all democratic country years except for the first democratic year following an autocratic subregime. (See section 6.4 of the data manual for more details: )

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   Whether the autocracy type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_auttrans

Coded 1 when there is a transition from one autocratic subregime to another (e.g. a change from military to personalist or military-single-party to military) in a non-democratic country-year, 0 if there is no transition among autocratic subregimes in a non-democratic country-year, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic. (See section 6.4 of the data manual for more details: )

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   Whether the state was democratic in the year
QoG Code: chisols_dem

Coded 1 if the country is democratic, 0 if it is non-democratic, and -88 for transition years (i.e. years that Polity codes as transition years and that the authors have not been able to categorize as democratic or non-democratic according to their coding rules). Coding rules are available at

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   Whether the democracy type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_demtrans

Coded 1 when there is a transition from one democratic subregime to another (e.g. a change from parliamentary to presidential) in a democratic country-year, 0 when there is no transition among democratic subregimes in a democratic country-year, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is nondemocratic. See the section 6.4 of the data manual available here:

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   Whether the state is a hybrid regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_hybrid

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by an autocratic hybrid regime (military-personalist, military-single-party, personalist-single-party, or military-personalist-single-party), 0 if it is a pure autocratic system, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state is an indirect military regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_indmil

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by indirect military rule, 0 if it is not characterized by indirect military rule, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state is a military regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mil

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by a military, military-single-party, military-personalist, or military-personalist-single-party system, 0 if it is not pure military or a military hybrid, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state is mixed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mixed

Coded 1 if a democratic country-year is characterized by a mixed presidential-parliamentary system, 0 if it is not mixed, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is not democratic.

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   Whether the state is a monarchy in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mon

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by a monarchy, 0 if it is not monarchical, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state was not independent in the year
QoG Code: chisols_nonindep

Dummy variable that is coded 1 if the country was not independent at any point during the year according to the Correlates of War state system membership data and 0 otherwise.

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   Whether the state is an oligarchy
QoG Code: chisols_olig

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by oligarchy, 0 if it is not characterized by oligarchy, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state is not one of the other Geddes et al types
QoG Code: chisols_other

Coded 1 if the non-democratic country-year does not meet the criteria for any of the autocratic subregime type categories, 0 if it is another type of autocratic regime, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state is parliamentary in the year
QoG Code: chisols_parl

Coded 1 if a democratic country-year is characterized by a parliamentary system, 0 if it is not parliamentary, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is not democratic.

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   Whether the state is a personalist regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_per

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized as a personalist, military-personalist, single-party-personalist, or military-personalist-single-party system, 0 if it is not pure personalist or a personalist hybrid, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Whether the state was presidential in the year
QoG Code: chisols_pres

Coded 1 if a democratic country-year is characterized by a presidential system, 0 if it is not presidential, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is not democratic.

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   Whether the regime type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_regtrans

Coded 1 when there is a regime transition from democracy to autocracy or a regime transition from autocracy to democracy and 0 otherwise. (See section 6.4 of the dataset manual for more details: )

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   Number of SOLS changes in the year
QoG Code: chisols_solschange

This variable codes the number of support of leadership changes in the year of reference. This variable is equal to the count of SOLS changes during the country-year in which the new SOLS was in power for more than 30 days in a row. Coded 0 if there are no SOLS changes in the year that last more than 30 days in total. This count variable does not include minor SOLS changes nor SOLS changes that last less than 30 days. The conceptual definition of change in the source of leader support, i.e., SOLS change, is: a case in which the subset of societal groups whose support allows a leader to retain and exercise power is different from the subset of societal groups whose support allowed the leader's predecessor to retain and exercise power. Operationally, this required the authors first to identify who the leader of a state is and when leadership transitions occur, and then to identify the groups necessary for a leader to retain and exercise power.

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   Whether the state is a single-party regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_sp

Coded 1 if a non-democratic country-year is characterized by a single-party, military-single-party, single-party-personalist, or military-personalist-single-party system, 0 if it is not pure single-party or a single-party hybrid, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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   Number of leader transitions in the year
QoG Code: chisols_totalldrtrans

This variable codes the number of leader transitions in the year of reference. The authors rely on existing data by Goemans, Gleditsch, and Chiozza (2009) to determine leaders and leadership changes. This database (Archigos v. 4.1 for the 5th version of this dataset) identifies the effective primary ruler and the dates the leader was in power for each independent state, as coded by Gleditsch and Ward (1999), between 1875 and 2014. The authors code the leader transition as occurring on the day the new leader assumes power. Thus, if one leader departs from office in December and the new leader takes power in January, the leader who left office in December will continue to be listed as the first leader in January until the transition occurs.

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   Whether the state is characterized by warlordism in the year
QoG Code: chisols_warlord

Coded 1 if a nondemocratic country-year is characterized by warlordism, 0 if it is not characterized by warlordism, and -9 for not applicable if the country-year is democratic.

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