Variable: Number of SOLS changes in the year

QoG Code: (chisols_solschange)

Dataset: Change in Source of Leader Support


This variable codes the number of support of leadership changes in the year of reference.

This variable is equal to the count of SOLS changes during the country-year in which the new SOLS was in power for more than 30 days in a row. Coded 0 if there are no SOLS changes in the year that last more than 30 days in total. This count variable does not include minor SOLS changes nor SOLS changes that last less than 30 days.

The conceptual definition of change in the source of leader support, i.e., SOLS change, is: a case in which the subset of societal groups whose support allows a leader to retain and exercise power is different from the subset of societal groups whose support allowed the leader's predecessor to retain and exercise power. Operationally, this required the authors first to identify who the leader of a state is and when leadership transitions occur, and then to identify the groups necessary for a leader to retain and exercise power.

Type of variable: Discrete

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-10-20
Last updated by source: 2021-03-15


Conflict Political System

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OECD Cross-section - 2024 OECD Time-series - 2024 Standard Cross-section - 2024 Standard Time-series - 2024 Original Dataset

Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 162
Standard time-series: 175
OECD cross-section: 36
OECD time-series: 38

This variable has information for these countries:

Click here to see the full list of countries

This variable has information from the year 1946 to the year 2018