Variable: Basic Administration

QoG Code: (bti_ba)

Dataset: Bertelsmann Transformation Index


To what extent do basic administrative structures exist? From 1 to 10.

  1. The administrative structures of the state are limited to keeping the peace and maintaining law and order. Their territorial scope is very limited, and broad segments of the population are not covered.
  2. The administrative structures of the state are extending beyond maintaining law and order, but their territorial scope and effectivity are limited.
  3. The administrative structures of the state provide the most basic public services throughout the country, but their operation is, to some extent, deficient.
  4. The state has a differentiated administrative structure throughout the country, which provides all basic public services.

Type of variable: Categorical

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-10-10
Last updated by source: 2022-02-21


Political System Quality of Government

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Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 136
Standard time-series: 137

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