Variable: Conflict Intensity

QoG Code: (bti_ci)

Dataset: Bertelsmann Transformation Index


How serious are social, ethnic, and religious conflicts? From 1 to 10.

  1. There are no violent incidents based on social, ethnic, or religious differences.
  2. There are only a few violent incidents. Radical political actors have limited success in mobilizing along existing cleavages. Society and the political elite, however, are divided along social, ethnic, or religious lines.
  3. There are violent incidents. Mobilized groups and protest movements dominate politics. Society and the political elite are deeply split into social classes, ethnic or religious communities.
  4. There is a civil war or a widespread violent conflict based on social, ethnic, or religious differences.

Type of variable: Categorical

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-10-10
Last updated by source: 2022-02-21


Civil Society/Population/Culture Conflict Religion

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Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Basic cross-section: 136
Standard cross-section: 136
Standard time-series: 137

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