Variable: Effective Power to Govern

QoG Code: (bti_epg)

Dataset: Bertelsmann Transformation Index


To what extent do democratically elected political representatives have the effective power to govern, or to what extent are there veto powers and political enclaves? From 1 to 10.

  1. Political decision-makers are not democratically elected.
  2. Democratically elected political representatives have limited power to govern. Strong veto groups are able to undermine fundamental elements of democratic procedures.
  3. Democratically elected political representatives have considerable power to govern. However, individual power groups can set their own domains apart or enforce special-interest policies.
  4. Democratically elected political representatives have the effective power to govern. No individual or group is holding any de facto veto power.

Type of variable: Categorical

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-12-06
Last updated by source: 2022-03-17


Political System

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Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 135
Standard time-series: 136

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This variable has information from the year 2005 to the year 2021