Variable: Electoral Volatility - Parties entering/exiting party system

QoG Code: (dev_regv1)

Dataset: Dataset of Electoral Volatility in Western Europe


Electoral volatility caused by vote switching between parties that enter or exit from the party system. A party is considered as entering the party system where it receives at least 1% of the national share in election at time t+1 (while it received less than 1% in election at time t). Conversely, a party is considered as exiting the part system where it receives less than 1% in election at time t+1 (while it received at least 1% in election at time t).

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-12-04
Last updated by source: 2023-11-24


Political Parties and Elections

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Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 20
Standard time-series: 22

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