Variable: Available beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants

QoG Code: (eu_hea_bed)

Dataset: Eurostat datasets


Available beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2024-11-28



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This variable has information from the year 1993 to the year 2017