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Basic Cross-section - 2025
Basic Time-series - 2025
EU Regional - 2020
Environmental Indicators - 2021
OECD Cross-section - 2025
OECD Time-series - 2025
Standard Cross-section - 2025
Standard Time-series - 2025
EU Regional
Version: 2020
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Corruption pillar, country centered and min-max (0-100) standardized
QoG Code: eqi_norm_corrupt
EQI index, min-max (0-100) standardized
QoG Code: eqi_norm_eqi
Impartiality pillar, country centered and min-max (0-100) standardized
QoG Code: eqi_norm_impart
Quality pillar, country centered and min-max (0-100) standardized
QoG Code: eqi_norm_qual
EQI Index Score
QoG Code: eqi_score
Corruption pillar, country centered and z-score standardized
QoG Code: eqi_zcorruption
Impartiality pillar, country centered and z-score standardized
QoG Code: eqi_zimpartiality
Quality pillar, country centered and z-score standardized
QoG Code: eqi_zquality
Proportion of live births outside marriage
QoG Code: eu_agemoth
Total fertility rate
QoG Code: eu_agemoth1
Air transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_ld
Air transport of freight and mail loaded and unloaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_ld_nld
Air transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_nld
Income of households (Balance) in euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_b5n_eur_hab
Income of households (Balance) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_eur
Income of households (Balance) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_nac
Income of households (Balance) in million PPS
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_pps
Income of households (Disposable income) in euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_b6n_eur_hab
Income of households (Disposable income) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_eur
Income of households (Disposable income) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_nac
Income of households (Disposable income) in million PPS
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_pps
Income of households (Adjusted disposable income) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b7n_mio_eur
Income of households (Adjusted disposable income) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b7n_mio_nac
Reported number of cases of burglary of private premises
QoG Code: eu_cri_bur
Reported number of cases of intentional homicide
QoG Code: eu_cri_inthom
Reported number of cases of robbery
QoG Code: eu_cri_rob
Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_f
Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_m
Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_t
Area of a region, land area total, sq km
QoG Code: eu_d3area_lat
Area of a region, total, sq km
QoG Code: eu_d3area_t
Number of deaths of females, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalf
Number of deaths of males, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalm
Number of deaths, total all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalt
Number of deaths of females, at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1f
Number of deaths of males, at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1m
Number of deaths, total at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1t
Number of deaths of females, at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20f
Number of deaths of males, at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20m
Number of deaths, total at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20t
Number of deaths of females, at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50f
Number of deaths of males, at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50m
Number of deaths, total at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50t
Number of deaths of females, at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70f
Number of deaths of males, at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70m
Number of deaths, total at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70t
Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
QoG Code: eu_dinc_pps_hab
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564f
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564m
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564t
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034f
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034m
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034t
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564f
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564m
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564t
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034f
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034m
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034t
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564f
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564m
Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564t
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034f
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034m
Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034t
Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Female
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_f
Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Male
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_m
Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Total
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_t
Employment rate for 15-24 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524f
Employment rate for 15-24 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524m
Employment rate for 15-24 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524t
Employment rate for 20-64 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064f
Employment rate for 20-64 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064m
Employment rate for 20-64 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064t
Employment rate for 25-34 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534f
Employment rate for 25-34 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534m
Employment rate for 25-34 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534t
Employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_a
Employment in industry (except construction), in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_be
Employment in construction, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_f
Full-time employment, female, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_f
Full-time employment, male, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_m
Full-time employment, total, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_t
Employment rate for +25 years, Female
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25f
Employment rate for +25 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25m
Employment rate for +25 years, Total
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25t
Employment rate for +65 years, Female
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65f
Employment rate for +65 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65m
Employment rate for +65 years, Total
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65t
Employment in wholesale and retail trade, and service activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_gi
Employment in information and communication, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_j
Employment in financial and insurance activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_k
Employment in real estate activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_l
Employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_m_n
Employment in public admin., defence, education and health, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_oq
Part-time employment, female, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_f
Part-time employment, male, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_m
Part-time employment, total, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_t
Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ru
Employment in all NACE activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_total
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, total duration since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_durtotal
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, 1 to 3 years since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_dury13
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, over 3 years since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_dury_gt3
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 0-2
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled02
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 3-4
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled34
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 5-8
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled58
Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, all education levels
QoG Code: eu_empl_edltotal
Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_f
Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_m
Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_t
Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_f
Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_m
Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_t
Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_f
Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_m
Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_t
Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_f
Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_m
Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_t
Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_f
Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_m
Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_t
Employment in high-technology sectors, (Female) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_f
Employment in high-technology sectors, (Male) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_m
Employment in high-technology sectors, (Total) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_t
Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_f
Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_m
Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_t
Employment in financial and insurance activities, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_f
Employment in financial and insurance activities of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_m
Employment in financial and insurance activities, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_t
Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Female) % of tot. employment,
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_f
Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Male) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_m
Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Total) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_t
Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_f
Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_m
Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_t
Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_f
Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_m
Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_t
Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_f
Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_m
Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_t
Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_f
Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_m
Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_t
Employment in education, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_f
Employment in education, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_m
Employment in education, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_t
Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_f
Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_m
Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_t
Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_f
Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_m
Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_t
Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_f
Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_m
Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_t
Number of cooling degree days
QoG Code: eu_eng_cdd
Number of heating degree days
QoG Code: eu_eng_hdd
Municipal waste disposal - incineration in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasdsp_i
Municipal waste generated in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasgen
Municipal waste recovery - energy recovery in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasrcv_e
Municipal waste recycling in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasrcy_c_d
Participation rate in Primary and lower secondary education
QoG Code: eu_epred12
Participation rate in Tertiary education
QoG Code: eu_epred58
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), females
QoG Code: eu_epry2564f
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), males
QoG Code: eu_epry2564m
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), total
QoG Code: eu_epry2564t
Fertility rate, total
QoG Code: eu_frate_total
Fertility rate, at age 15
QoG Code: eu_frate_y15
Fertility rate, at age 30
QoG Code: eu_frate_y30
Fertility rate, at age 35
QoG Code: eu_frate_y35
Available beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bed
Curative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedcur
Long-term care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedlt
Other beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedoth
Psychiatric care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedpsy
Rehabilitative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedreh
Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_f
Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_m
Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_t
Dentists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_dent
Number of deaths by HIV, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_f
Number of deaths by HIV, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_m
Number of deaths by HIV, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_t
Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_f
Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_m
Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_t
Medical doctors per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_mdoc
Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_f
Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_m
Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_t
Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_f
Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_m
Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_t
Nurses and midwives per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_nurs
Pharmacists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_pharm
Physiotherapists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_phys
Number of deaths by pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
QoG Code: eu_hea_pr_f
Number of deaths by self-harm, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_f
Number of deaths by self-harm, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_m
Number of deaths by self-harm, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_t
Number of deaths by drug dependence, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_f
Number of deaths by drug dependence, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_m
Number of deaths by drug dependence, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_t
Last online purchase: between 3 and 12 months ago, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_b3_12
Online purchases: from sellers from other EU countries, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bfeu
Online purchases: travel and holiday accommodation, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bhols
Last online purchase: in the 12 months, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_blt12
Last online purchase: more than a year ago or never, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bumt12x
Last online purchase: in the last 3 months, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_buy3
Percentage of households with broadband internet access
QoG Code: eu_is_bacc
Percentage of households with internet access
QoG Code: eu_is_iacc
Percentage of individuals using internet to interact with public authorities
QoG Code: eu_iu_govform
Percentage of individuals using internet to submit forms to authorities
QoG Code: eu_iu_govint
Frequency of internet access: daily
QoG Code: eu_iu_iday
Last internet use: in the last 12 months
QoG Code: eu_iu_ilt12
Last internet use: in last 3 months
QoG Code: eu_iu_iu3
Internet use: Internet banking
QoG Code: eu_iu_iubk
Internet use: civic or political participation
QoG Code: eu_iu_iucpp
Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day)
QoG Code: eu_iu_iuse
Internet use: selling goods or services
QoG Code: eu_iu_iusell
Internet use: participating in social networks
QoG Code: eu_iu_iusnet
Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_iu_iux
Percentage of individuals who have never used a computer
QoG Code: eu_iu_never
Individuals who accessed internet away from home or work, %
QoG Code: eu_iu_ohw
Individuals who accessed internet away from home or work in the last 3 months, %
QoG Code: eu_iu_ohw3
Long-term unemployment as percentage of active population
QoG Code: eu_ltu_pc_act
Long-term unemployment as percentage of unemployment
QoG Code: eu_ltu_pc_une
Long-term unemployment in thousands
QoG Code: eu_ltu_ths
People (0 to 59 years) in households with low work intensity, as %
QoG Code: eu_lwoin_pc
People (0 to 59 years) in households with low work intensity, % of total pop.
QoG Code: eu_lwoin_pc_y_lt60
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_matdep_pc
Regional gross domestic product by NUTS 2 regions, million EUR
QoG Code: eu_mio_eur
Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, female
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_f
Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, male
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_m
Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, total
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_t
Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_ld
Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_ld_nld
Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded and unloaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_nld
Maritime transport of passengers embarked and disembarked, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas
Passengers carried by air transport, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd
Passengers carried by air transport, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd_arr
Passengers carried by air transport (arrival), in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd_dep
Maritime transport of passengers, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_demb
Maritime transport of passengers disembarked, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_emb
15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, female
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524f
15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, male
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524m
15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, total
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524t
Mean age of women at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_nmarpct
Population density, average population per square km
QoG Code: eu_per_km2
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_povr_pc
At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_povrisk_pc
Total R&D employees in business enterprise sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_bes_f
Total R&D employees in business enterprise sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_bes_t
Total R&D employees in government sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_gov_f
Total R&D employees in government sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_gov_t
Total R&D employees in higher education sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_hes_f
Total R&D employees in higher education sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_hes_t
Total R&D employees in private non-profit sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_pnp_f
Total R&D employees in private non-profit sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_pnp_t
Total R&D employees in all sectors, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_total_f
Total R&D employees in all sectors, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_total_t
Injured victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_rac_inj
Killed victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_rac_kil
Business enterprise sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_bes
Government sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_gov
Higher education sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_hes
Private non-profit sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_pnp
All sectors intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_total
Mean age of women at birth of first child
QoG Code: eu_totferrt
Net occupancy rate of bed-places in hotels and similar
QoG Code: eu_tour_bedpl
Net occupancy rate of bedrooms in hotels and similar
QoG Code: eu_tour_bedrm
Number of nights spent at camping grounds, recreational vehicle and trailer park
QoG Code: eu_tour_nscamp
Number of nights spent at hotels and similar accommodation
QoG Code: eu_tour_nshotel
Number of nights spent at holiday and other short-stay accommodation
QoG Code: eu_tour_nssa
Number of nights spent at tourist accommodations
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour
Number of bed-places in hotels, camping places and other
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour_bedpl
Number of establishments in hotels, camping places and other
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour_estbl
Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_cnl
Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_mway
Motorways, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rd_oth
Other roads, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_riv
Navigable rivers, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl
Total railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_elc
Electrified railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_tge2
Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524f
Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524m
Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524t
Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574f
Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574m
Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574t
Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064f
Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064m
Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064t
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15f
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15m
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15t
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25f
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25m
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25t
Total number of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses
QoG Code: eu_vs_bus_tot
Total number of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses
QoG Code: eu_vs_car
Total number of passenger cars
QoG Code: eu_vs_lor
Total number of lorries
QoG Code: eu_vs_moto
Total number of motorcycles
QoG Code: eu_vs_spe
Total number of special vehicles
QoG Code: eu_vs_tot_x_tm
Total number of all vehicles (except trailers and motorcycles)
QoG Code: eu_vs_trc
Total number of road tractors
QoG Code: eu_vs_trl_strl
Total number of trailers and semi-trailers
QoG Code: eu_vs_utl