Eurostat datasets

Data source: Eurostat

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Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its mission is to provide high quality statistics for Europe. Its key task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Eurostat offers a whole range of important and interesting data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work and daily life.

Last updated by source: 2024-11-28

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• European Commission. (2024). Eurostat.

Variables in this dataset:

Proportion of live births outside marriage
QoG Code: eu_agemoth

Proportion of live births outside marriage. A live birth outside marriage is defined as a live birth where the mother’s marital status at the time of birth is other than married.

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Total fertility rate
QoG Code: eu_agemoth1

Total fertility rate. It is defined as the mean number of children who would be born to a woman during her lifetime, if she were to spend her childbearing years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates, that have been measured in a given year.

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Air transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_ld

Air transport of freight and mail loaded in thousand tonnes. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Air transport of freight and mail loaded and unloaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_ld_nld

Air transport of freight and mail loaded and unloaded in thousand tonnes. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Air transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_atf_frm_nld

Air transport of freight and mail unloaded in thousand tonnes. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Income of households (Balance) in euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_b5n_eur_hab

Income of households (balance), Euro per inhabitant. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Balance) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_eur

Income of households (balance), million Euro. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Balance) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_nac

Income of households (balance), million national currency. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Balance) in million PPS
QoG Code: eu_b5n_mio_pps

Income of households (balance), million PPS. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Disposable income) in euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_b6n_eur_hab

Income of households (disposable income), Euro per inhabitant. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Disposable income) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_eur

Income of households (disposable income), million Euro. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Disposable income) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_nac

Income of households (disposable income), million national currency. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Disposable income) in million PPS
QoG Code: eu_b6n_mio_pps

Income of households (disposable income), million PPS. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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Income of households (Adjusted disposable income) in million euro
QoG Code: eu_b7n_mio_eur

Income of households (net adjusted disposable income), million euro. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households. Net signifies that depreciation costs have been subtracted from the income presented, and regional data are adjusted to the national values by Eurostat.

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Income of households (Adjusted disposable income) in million national currency
QoG Code: eu_b7n_mio_nac

Income of households (net adjusted disposable income), million national currency. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households. Net signifies that depreciation costs have been subtracted from the income presented, and regional data are adjusted to the national values by Eurostat.

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Crude rate of net migration plus statistical adjustment
QoG Code: eu_cnmigratrt

Crude rate of net migration plus statistical adjustment. Net migration including statistical adjustments the ratio of the net migration including statistical adjustment during the year to the average population in that year. The value is expressed per 1000 inhabitants. The crude rate of net migration is equal to the difference between the crude rate of population change and the crude rate of natural change (that is, net migration is considered as the part of population change not attributable to births and deaths). It is calculated in this way because immigration or emigration flows are either not available or the figures are not reliable.

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Reported number of cases of burglary of private premises
QoG Code: eu_cri_bur

Reported number of cases of burglary of private premises. Domestic burglary is defined as gaining access to a dwelling by the use of force to steal goods.

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Reported number of cases of intentional homicide
QoG Code: eu_cri_inthom

Reported number of cases of intentional homicide. It is defined as intentional killing of a person, including murder, manslaughter, euthanasia and infanticide. Causing death by dangerous driving is excluded, as are abortion and help with suicide. Attempted (uncompleted) homicide is also excluded. The counting unit for homicide is normally the victim (rather than the case).

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Reported number of cases of robbery
QoG Code: eu_cri_rob

Reported number of cases of robbery. Robbery is a sub-set of violent crime (see above). It is defined as stealing from a person with force or threat of force, including muggings (bag-snatching) and theft with violence. Pick-pocketing, extortion and blackmailing are generally not included.

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Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_f

Female population as of 1st January of the year indicated. It is based on concept of usual resident population, i.e. the number of inhabitants of a given area on 1 January of the year in question (or, in some cases, on 31 December of the previous year). The population figures can be based on data from the most recent census adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or based on population registers. Usually resident population means all persons having usual residence in a country at the reference time. Usual residence means the place where a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. The following persons alone are considered to be usual residents of the geographical area in question: a) those who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference time; or b) those who arrived in their place of usual residence during the 12 months before the reference time with the intention of staying there for at least one year.

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Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_m

Male population as of 1st January of the year indicated. It is based on concept of usual resident population, i.e. the number of inhabitants of a given area on 1 January of the year in question (or, in some cases, on 31 December of the previous year). The population figures can be based on data from the most recent census adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or based on population registers. Usually resident population means all persons having usual residence in a country at the reference time. Usual residence means the place where a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. The following persons alone are considered to be usual residents of the geographical area in question: a) those who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference time; or b) those who arrived in their place of usual residence during the 12 months before the reference time with the intention of staying there for at least one year.

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Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_d2jan_t

Total population as of 1st January of the year indicated. It is based on concept of usual resident population, i.e. the number of inhabitants of a given area on 1 January of the year in question (or, in some cases, on 31 December of the previous year). The population figures can be based on data from the most recent census adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or based on population registers. Usually resident population means all persons having usual residence in a country at the reference time. Usual residence means the place where a person normally spends the daily period of rest, regardless of temporary absences for purposes of recreation, holidays, visits to friends and relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. The following persons alone are considered to be usual residents of the geographical area in question: a) those who have lived in their place of usual residence for a continuous period of at least 12 months before the reference time; or b) those who arrived in their place of usual residence during the 12 months before the reference time with the intention of staying there for at least one year.

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Area of a region, land area total, sq km
QoG Code: eu_d3area_lat

Total land area of a region as square kilometer. Total Land Area (TLA) is defined as total surface area excluding lakes, rivers, transitional and coastal waters. Mountainous regions, glaciers, forests, wetlands and other temporarily or permanently uninhabitable regions are included in TLA.

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Area of a region, total, sq km
QoG Code: eu_d3area_t

Total surface area of a region as square kilometer. Total Surface Area (TSA) is defined as the area of any given statistical area and includes land area and inland waters (lakes, rivers etc.). The sub-national areas (e.g. LAU and NUTS areas) defined by statistical and/or administrative boundaries are the building blocks for calculating both concepts. By definition Total Surface Area does not cover areas that are not statistical areas.

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Number of deaths of females, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalf

Number of deaths of females, all ages. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of males, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalm

Number of deaths of males, all ages. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths, total all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalt

Number of deaths, all ages. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of females, at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1f

Number of deaths of females, at 1 year old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of males, at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1m

Number of deaths of males, at 1 year old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths, total at 1 year old
QoG Code: eu_death_y1t

Number of deaths, total at 1 year old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of females, at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20f

Number of deaths of females, at 20 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of males, at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20m

Number of deaths of males, at 20 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths, total at 20 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y20t

Number of deaths, total at 20 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of females, at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50f

Number of deaths of females, at 50 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of males, at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50m

Number of deaths of males, at 50 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths, total at 50 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y50t

Number of deaths, total at 50 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of females, at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70f

Number of deaths of females, at 70 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths of males, at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70m

Number of deaths of males, at 70 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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Number of deaths, total at 70 years old
QoG Code: eu_death_y70t

Number of deaths, total at 70 years old. Death means the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after life birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital functions without capability of resuscitation).

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   Net migration plus statistical adjusted
QoG Code: eu_demcnmigratn

Net migration plus statistical adjusted

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   Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_demd2janf

Population at 1st January, female

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   Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_demd2janm

Population at 1st January, male

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   Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_demd2jant

Population at 1st January, total

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   Population density, average population per square km
QoG Code: eu_demd3dens

Population density, average population per square km

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   Deaths - Female
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdf

Deaths - females

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   Deaths - Male.
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdm

Deaths - Male.

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   Deaths - Total
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdt

Deaths - Total

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   Fertility rate, Total
QoG Code: eu_demfrate2

Fertility rate, Total.

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   Natural change of population
QoG Code: eu_demgrownnat

Natural change of population

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   Total population change
QoG Code: eu_demgrowt

Total population change

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   Live births - Female
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlf

Live births - females

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   Live births - Male
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlm

Live births - males

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   Live births - Total
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlt

Live births - total

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   Mean age of woman at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_demmawc

Mean age of woman at childbirth

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   Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Female
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpf

Life expectancy in age < 1 year, female

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   Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Male
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpm

Life expectancy in age < 1 year, male

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   Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Total
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpt

Life expectancy in age < 1 year, total

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Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
QoG Code: eu_dinc_pps_hab

Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions in PPS (purchasing power standards) based on final consumption per inhabitant. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households. The data for NUTS 1 and NUTS 0 regions has been calculated by computing a mean of the NUTS 2 values within each region.

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   GDP at current market prices, Euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_eco2gdpeurhab

GDP at current market prices, Euro per inhabitant

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   GDP at current market prices, Million euro
QoG Code: eu_eco2gdpmioeur

GDP at current market prices, Million euro

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564f

Percentage of 25-64 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564m

Percentage of 25-64 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, primary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y2564t

Percentage of 25-64 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034f

Percentage of 30-34 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034m

Percentage of 30-34 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, primary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed02_y3034t

Percentage of 30-34 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). This aggregate refers to levels 0, 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED0-2). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 0, 1 and 2 but also include level 3C short (educational attainment from ISCED level 3 programmes of less than two years).

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564f

Percentage of 25-64 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564m

Percentage of 25-64 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, secondary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y2564t

Percentage of 25-64 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034f

Percentage of 30-34 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034m

Percentage of 30-34 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, secondary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed34_y3034t

Percentage of 30-34 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). This aggregate corresponds to ISCED 2011 levels 3 and 4 (online code ED3_4). ISCED 2011 level 3 programmes of partial level completion are considered within ISCED level 3. Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 3C long, 3A, 3B and 4.

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564f

Percentage of 25-64 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564m

Percentage of 25-64 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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Educational attainment for ages 25 to 64, tertiary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y2564t

Percentage of 25-64 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Female
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034f

Percentage of 30-34 years old females whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Male
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034m

Percentage of 30-34 years old males whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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Educational attainment for ages 30 to 34, tertiary education, Total
QoG Code: eu_edatt_ed58_y3034t

Percentage of 30-34 years old population whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’). Data up to 2013 refer to ISCED 1997 levels 5 and 6.

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   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Female) % of population
QoG Code: eu_edued256402f

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Female). Percentage of the population.

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   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Male) % of population
QoG Code: eu_edued256402m

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Male). Percentage of the population.

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Total) % of population.
QoG Code: eu_edued256402t

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Total). Percentage of the population.

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434f

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434m

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434t

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438f

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438m

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438t

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458f

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458m

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458t

Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402f

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 0-2 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402m

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 0-2 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402t

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 0-2 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434f

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 3-4 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434m

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 3-4 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434t

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 3-4 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438f

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 3-8 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438m

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 3-8 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438t

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Total)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458f

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 5-8 (Female)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458m

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 5-8 (Male)

More about this variable

   Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458t

Educational Attainment, 30-34 years old, Level 5-8 (Total)

More about this variable

   Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavf

Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Female)

More about this variable

   Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavm

Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Male)

More about this variable

   Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavt

Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Total)

More about this variable

Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Female
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_f

Female early leavers from education and training as a percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and who were not in further education or training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. Lower secondary education refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 0-2 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 0-3C short for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.

More about this variable

Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Male
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_m

Male early leavers from education and training as a percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and who were not in further education or training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. Lower secondary education refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 0-2 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 0-3C short for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.

More about this variable

Early leavers from education and training as a percentage, Total
QoG Code: eu_eduleave_t

Early leavers from education and training as a percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and not in further education or training. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 18-24 with at most lower secondary education and who were not in further education or training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. Lower secondary education refers to ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) 2011 level 0-2 for data from 2014 onwards and to ISCED 1997 level 0-3C short for data up to 2013. The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.

More about this variable

   Ratio of students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 1 to 3
QoG Code: eu_edupttr13

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 1 to 3

More about this variable

   Ratio of students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 5 to 8
QoG Code: eu_edupttr58

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 5 to 8

More about this variable

   Ratio of students to teachers and staff in early childhood education
QoG Code: eu_edupttrearly

Ratio of pupils and students to teachers and academic staff in early childhood education

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02f

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 0-2 as a percentage of total population (female)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02m

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 0-2 as a percentage of total population (male)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02t

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 0-2 as a percentage of total population (total)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34f

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 3-4 as a percentage of total population (female)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34m

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 3-4 as a percentage of total population (male)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34t

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 3-4 as a percentage of total population (total)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58f

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 5-8 as a percentage of total population (female)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58m

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 5-8 as a percentage of total population (male)

More about this variable

   Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58t

Population 15 to 64 years with ISCED levels 5-8 as a percentage of total population (total)

More about this variable

Employment rate for 15-24 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524f

Employment rate for women between 15-24 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 15-24 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524m

Employment rate for men between 15-24 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 15-24 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_1524t

Total employment rate between 15-24 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 20-64 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064f

Employment rate for women between 20-64 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 20-64 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064m

Employment rate for men between 20-64 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 20-64 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_2064t

Total employment rate between 20-64 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 25-34 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534f

Employment rate for women between 25-34 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 25-34 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534m

Employment rate for men between 25-34 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for 25-34 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_emp_2534t

Total employment rate between 25-34 years old. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_a

Employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in industry (except construction), in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_be

Employment in industry (except construction), in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in construction, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_f

Employment in construction, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Full-time employment, female, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_f

Full-time female employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Full-time employment, male, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_m

Full-time male employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Full-time employment, total, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ft_t

Total full-time employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +25 years, Female
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25f

Employment rate for women 25 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +25 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25m

Employment rate for men 25 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +25 years, Total
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25t

Total employment rate for 25 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +65 years, Female
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65f

Employment rate for women 65 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +65 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65m

Employment rate for men 65 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment rate for +65 years, Total
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65t

Total employment rate for 65 years old and above. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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Employment in wholesale and retail trade, and service activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_gi

Employment in wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food service activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in information and communication, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_j

Employment in information and communication, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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Employment in financial and insurance activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_k

Employment in financial and insurance activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in real estate activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_l

Employment in real estate activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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Employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_m_n

Employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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Employment in public admin., defence, education and health, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_oq

Employment in public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Part-time employment, female, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_f

Part-time female employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Part-time employment, male, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_m

Part-time male employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Part-time employment, total, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_pt_t

Total part-time employment, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

More about this variable

Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_ru

Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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Employment in all NACE activities, in thousands
QoG Code: eu_emp_total

Employment in total - all NACE activities, in thousands. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The definition of unemployment is further specified in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1897/2000.

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   Employed ICT specialists (% of total employment)
QoG Code: eu_empict

Employed ICT specialists (% of total employment)

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, total duration since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_durtotal

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, total duration since completion of highest level of education. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

More about this variable

Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, 1 to 3 years since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_dury13

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, 1 to 3 years since completion of highest level of education. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, over 3 years since education
QoG Code: eu_empl_dury_gt3

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, over 3 years since completion of highest level of education. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 0-2
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled02

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, whose the highest level of education successfully completed is less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2). The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 3-4
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled34

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, whose the highest level of education successfully completed is upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4). The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, education levels 5-8
QoG Code: eu_empl_edled58

Employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years, whose the highest level of education successfully completed is tertiary education (levels 5-8). The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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Employment rate for people between 15-34 years, all education levels
QoG Code: eu_empl_edltotal

Total employment rate for people between 15 and 34 years for all education levels. The indicator is defined as the percentage of the population aged 15-34, who were employed (ILO definition), not in further education or training (i.e. neither formal nor non-formal) during the last four weeks preceding the survey.

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   Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524f

Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524m

Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524t

Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564f

Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564m

Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564t

Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064f

Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064m

Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064t

Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554f

Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554m

Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554t

Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564f

Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564m

Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564t

Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_f

Female employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_m

Male employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in agriculture, fishing and mining, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ab_t

Employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_f

Female employment in manufacturing, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_m

Male employment in manufacturing, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in manufacturing, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_c_t

Employment in manufacturing, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_f

Female employment in high-technology manufacturing, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_m

Male employment in high-technology manufacturing, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology manufacturing, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_chtc_t

Employment in high-technology manufacturing, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_f

Female employment in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply and construction, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_m

Male employment in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply and construction, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in electricity, gas and water supply, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_df_t

Employment in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply and construction, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_f

Female employment in services, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_m

Male employment in services, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in services, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_gu_t

Employment in services, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology sectors, (Female) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_f

Female employment in high-technology sectors (high-technology manufacturing and knowledge-intensive high-technology services), as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology sectors, (Male) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_m

Male employment in high-technology sectors (high-technology manufacturing and knowledge-intensive high-technology services), as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in high-technology sectors, (Total) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_htc_t

Employment in high-technology sectors (high-technology manufacturing and knowledge-intensive high-technology services), as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_f

Female employment in information and communication, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_m

Male employment in information and communication, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in information and communication, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_j_t

Employment in information and communication, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in financial and insurance activities, % of tot. employment, Female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_f

Female employment in financial and insurance activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in financial and insurance activities of tot. employment, Male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_m

Male employment in financial and insurance activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in financial and insurance activities, % of tot. employment, Total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_k_t

Employment in financial and insurance activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Female) % of tot. employment,
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_f

Female employment in total knowledge-intensive services, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Male) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_m

Male employment in total knowledge-intensive services, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in knowledge-intensive services, (Total) % of tot. employment
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kis_t

Employment in total knowledge-intensive services, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_f

Female employment in financial and insurance activities; real estate activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_m

Male employment in financial and insurance activities; real estate activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in real estate activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_kl_t

Employment in financial and insurance activities; real estate activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_f

Female employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_m

Male employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

More about this variable

Employment in scientific and technical activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_m_t

Employment in professional, scientific and technical activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_f

Female employment in administrative and support service activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_m

Male employment in administrative and support service activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

More about this variable

Employment in admin. and support activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_n_t

Employment in administrative and support service activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_f

Female employment in public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_m

Male employment in public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in extraterritorial org. and bodies, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_ou_t

Employment in public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in education, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_f

Female employment in education, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in education, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_m

Male employment in education, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in education, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_p_t

Employment in education, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_f

Female employment in human health and social work activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_m

Male employment in human health and social work activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in health and social work activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_q_t

Employment in human health and social work activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_f

Female employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_m

Male employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_r_t

Employment in arts, entertainment and recreation, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, female
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_f

Female employment in other service activities, as percentage of total female employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, male
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_m

Male employment in other service activities, as percentage of total male employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Employment in other service activities, % of tot. employment, total
QoG Code: eu_emtk_s_t

Employment in other service activities, as percentage of total employment. Data come from EU Labour force survey (LFS). Employed people are defined as persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week performed work, even for just one hour a week, for pay, profit or family gain or were not at work but had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of, e.g., illness, holidays, industrial dispute and education and training. In high-tech statistics the population excludes anyone below the age of 15 or over the age of 74. The data are aggregated based on the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level.

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Number of cooling degree days
QoG Code: eu_eng_cdd

Number of cooling degree days (CDD). Cooling degree day (CDD) index is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the cooling (air-conditioning) requirements of buildings. CDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded CDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-2 level, for 2017 and 2018 also on NUTS-3 level.

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Number of heating degree days
QoG Code: eu_eng_hdd

Number of heating degree days (HDD). Heating degree day (HDD) index is a weather-based technical index designed to describe the need for the heating energy requirements of buildings. HDD is derived from meteorological observations of air temperature, interpolated to regular grids at 25 km resolution for Europe. Calculated gridded HDD is aggregated and subsequently presented on NUTS-2 level, for 2017 and 2018 also on NUTS-3 level.

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Municipal waste disposal - incineration in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasdsp_i

Municipal waste disposal, incineration in thousand tonnes. Municipal waste is mainly produced by households, similar wastes from sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions are included. The amount of municipal waste generated consists of waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste management system. The amount of municipal waste treatment is reported for the treatment operations incineration (with and without energy recovery), recycling, composting and landfilling. Data are available in thousand tonnes and kilograms per person. Wastes from agriculture and from industries are not included.

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Municipal waste generated in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasgen

Municipal waste generated in thousand tonnes. Municipal waste is mainly produced by households, similar wastes from sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions are included. The amount of municipal waste generated consists of waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste management system. The amount of municipal waste treatment is reported for the treatment operations incineration (with and without energy recovery), recycling, composting and landfilling. Data are available in thousand tonnes and kilograms per person. Wastes from agriculture and from industries are not included.

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Municipal waste recovery - energy recovery in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasrcv_e

Municipal waste energy recovery in thousand tonnes. Energy recovery is defined as the incineration that fulfils the energy efficiency criteria laid down in the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC), Annex II (recovery operation R1). Municipal waste is mainly produced by households, similar wastes from sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions are included. The amount of municipal waste generated consists of waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste management system. The amount of municipal waste treatment is reported for the treatment operations incineration (with and without energy recovery), recycling, composting and landfilling. Data are available in thousand tonnes and kilograms per person. Wastes from agriculture and from industries are not included.

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Municipal waste recycling in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_env_wasrcy_c_d

Municipal waste recycling in thousand tonnes. Recycling means any recovery operation by which waste materials are reprocessed into products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes. It includes the reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery and the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for backfilling operations. Municipal waste is mainly produced by households, similar wastes from sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions are included. The amount of municipal waste generated consists of waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste management system. The amount of municipal waste treatment is reported for the treatment operations incineration (with and without energy recovery), recycling, composting and landfilling. Data are available in thousand tonnes and kilograms per person. Wastes from agriculture and from industries are not included.

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   Resident population % not connected to urban \& wastewater treatment plants
QoG Code: eu_envnc

Percentage of resident population not connected to urban and other wastewater treatment plants

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Participation rate in Primary and lower secondary education
QoG Code: eu_epred12

Participation rate in primary and lower secondary education (levels 1-2). Countries participating in this collection are compiling their data according to the concepts and definitions of the UOE data collection manuals on education systems statistics. This aggregate refers to levels 1 and 2 of the ISCED 2011 (online code ED1-2).

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Participation rate in Tertiary education
QoG Code: eu_epred58

Participation rate in tertiary education (level 5-8). Countries participating in this collection are compiling their data according to the concepts and definitions of the UOE data collection manuals on education systems statistics. This aggregate covers ISCED 2011 levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 (short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor's or equivalent level, master's or equivalent level, doctoral or equivalent level, online code ED5-8 ‘tertiary education’).

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Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), females
QoG Code: eu_epry2564f

Female participation rate in education and training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. The participation rate in education and training covers participation in formal and non-formal education and training. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the four weeks prior to the interview. Formal education is defined by ISCED as ‘education that is institutionalised, intentional and planned through public organisations and recognised private bodies, and – in their totality – constitute the formal education system of a country. Formal education programmes are thus recognised as such by the relevant national education or equivalent authorities, e.g. any other institution in cooperation with the national or sub-national education authorities.’ Non-formal education and training is defined as any institutionalised, intentional and organised/planned learning activities outside the formal education system. According to the classification of learning activities (CLA 2016), non-formal education and training comprises courses, seminars and workshops, private lessons or instructions and guided-on-the-job training. However, non-formal education as measured in the EU-LFS excludes guided-on-the-job training. The information collected covers both job-related (professional) and non-job related (personal, social, 'leisure') education and training activities.

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Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), males
QoG Code: eu_epry2564m

Male participation rate in education and training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. The participation rate in education and training covers participation in formal and non-formal education and training. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the four weeks prior to the interview. Formal education is defined by ISCED as ‘education that is institutionalised, intentional and planned through public organisations and recognised private bodies, and – in their totality – constitute the formal education system of a country. Formal education programmes are thus recognised as such by the relevant national education or equivalent authorities, e.g. any other institution in cooperation with the national or sub-national education authorities.’ Non-formal education and training is defined as any institutionalised, intentional and organised/planned learning activities outside the formal education system. According to the classification of learning activities (CLA 2016), non-formal education and training comprises courses, seminars and workshops, private lessons or instructions and guided-on-the-job training. However, non-formal education as measured in the EU-LFS excludes guided-on-the-job training. The information collected covers both job-related (professional) and non-job related (personal, social, 'leisure') education and training activities.

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Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks), total
QoG Code: eu_epry2564t

Participation rate in education and training during the last four weeks preceding the survey. The participation rate in education and training covers participation in formal and non-formal education and training. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the four weeks prior to the interview. Formal education is defined by ISCED as ‘education that is institutionalised, intentional and planned through public organisations and recognised private bodies, and – in their totality – constitute the formal education system of a country. Formal education programmes are thus recognised as such by the relevant national education or equivalent authorities, e.g. any other institution in cooperation with the national or sub-national education authorities.’ Non-formal education and training is defined as any institutionalised, intentional and organised/planned learning activities outside the formal education system. According to the classification of learning activities (CLA 2016), non-formal education and training comprises courses, seminars and workshops, private lessons or instructions and guided-on-the-job training. However, non-formal education as measured in the EU-LFS excludes guided-on-the-job training. The information collected covers both job-related (professional) and non-job related (personal, social, 'leisure') education and training activities.

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Fertility rate, total
QoG Code: eu_frate_total

Total fertility rate. It is the mean number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if she were to pass through her childbearing years conforming to the fertility rates by age of a given year.

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Fertility rate, at age 15
QoG Code: eu_frate_y15

Fertility rate, at age 15. This age-specific fertility rate is calculated by dividing the number of births of mothers of age 15 to the average female population of age 15.

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Fertility rate, at age 30
QoG Code: eu_frate_y30

Fertility rate, at age 30. This age-specific fertility rate is calculated by dividing the number of births of mothers of age 30 to the average female population of age 30.

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Fertility rate, at age 35
QoG Code: eu_frate_y35

Fertility rate, at age 35. This age-specific fertility rate is calculated by dividing the number of births of mothers of age 35 to the average female population of age 35.

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Regional gross domestic product (million PPS) by NUTS 2 regions
QoG Code: eu_gdp_mio_pps

Regional gross domestic product (GDP) by NUTS 2 regions in Million PPS (purchasing power standards). GDP is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.

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Regional gross domestic product (PPS per inhabitant) by NUTS 2 regions
QoG Code: eu_gdp_pps_hab

Regional gross domestic product (GDP) by NUTS 2 regions in PPS (purchasing power standards) per inhabitant. GDP is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.

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Regional gross domestic product. PPS per inhabitant in percentage of EU27
QoG Code: eu_gdp_pps_hab_eu27_2020

Regional gross domestic product (GDP) by NUTS 2 regions in PPS (purchasing power standards) per inhabitant, as % of EU27 (from 2020) average. GDP is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.

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Crude rate of total population change
QoG Code: eu_growrt

Crude rate of total population change. It is the ratio of the total population change during the year to the average population of the area in question in that year. The value is expressed per 1000 inhabitants.

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Available beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bed

Available beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Curative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedcur

Curative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Long-term care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedlt

Long-term care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Other beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedoth

Other beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Psychiatric care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedpsy

Psychiatric care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Rehabilitative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_bedreh

Rehabilitative care beds in hospitals (HP.1) per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care facilities data refer to available beds in hospitals (HP.1) and subcategories (such as curative care beds, rehabilitative care beds, etc.). Total hospital beds (HP.1) are all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients. Total hospital beds are broken down as follows: i) curative care (acute care) beds; ii) rehabilitative care beds; iii) long-term care beds (excluding psychiatric care beds) and iv) other hospital beds. The definition of health care facilities follows the International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP) of the System of Health Accounts (SHA).

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Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_f

Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_m

Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_cs_t

Number of deaths by circulatory system diseases, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Dentists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_dent

Dentists, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

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Number of deaths by HIV, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_f

Number of deaths by HIV, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by HIV, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_m

Number of deaths by HIV, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by HIV, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_t

Number of deaths by HIV, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_f

Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_m

Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_ipd_t

Number of deaths by infectious and parasitic diseases, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Medical doctors per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_mdoc

Medical doctors, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

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Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_f

Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_m

Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

More about this variable

Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_np_t

Number of deaths by malignant neoplasms, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_f

Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_m

Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

More about this variable

Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_ns_t

Number of deaths by nervous system diseases, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Nurses and midwives per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_nurs

Nurses and midwives, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

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Pharmacists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_pharm

Pharmacists per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

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Physiotherapists per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_hea_phys

Physiotherapists per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

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Number of deaths by pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
QoG Code: eu_hea_pr_f

Number of deaths by pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by self-harm, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_f

Number of deaths by self-harm, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by self-harm, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_m

Number of deaths by self-harm, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

More about this variable

Number of deaths by self-harm, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_sh_t

Number of deaths by self-harm, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Number of deaths by drug dependence, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_f

Number of deaths by drug dependence, female. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

More about this variable

Number of deaths by drug dependence, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_m

Number of deaths by drug dependence, male. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

More about this variable

Number of deaths by drug dependence, total
QoG Code: eu_hea_tox_t

Number of deaths by drug dependence, total. Causes of death (COD) statistics are based on information derived from the medical certificate of cause of death. COD target at the underlying cause of death, in accordance with the ICD-10 definition i.e. "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Expressed in deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, it is calculated as the number of deaths recorded in the population for a given period divided by population in the same period and then multiplied by 100,000.

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Percentage of people reporting drinking every day
QoG Code: eu_heaalcday

Percentage of people reporting drinking every day

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Percentage of people reporting drinking every month
QoG Code: eu_heaalcmon

Percentage reporting drinking every month

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Percentage of people reporting drinking never or not in last 12 months
QoG Code: eu_heaalcnv

Percentage of people reporting drinking never or not in last 12 months

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Percentage of people reporting drinking every week
QoG Code: eu_heaalcwk

Percentage of people reporting drinking every week

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   Dentists, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_headenththab

Dentists per hundred thousand inhabitants. Professionally active.

More about this variable

   Dentists, number
QoG Code: eu_headentnr

Number of Dentists. Professionally active.

More about this variable

   Dentists, inhabitants per dentist
QoG Code: eu_headentp

Number of inhabitants per dentist. Professionally active.

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   Curative care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per curative care beds
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurhabp

Curative care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per curative care beds

More about this variable

   Curative care beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurnr

Curative care beds in hospitals, number

More about this variable

   Curative care beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurphthab

Curative care beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants

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   Available beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedhabp

Available beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed

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   Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals, inhabitant per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedlthabp

Long-term care beds (except psychiatric) in hospitals, inhabitants per bed

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   Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedltnr

Long-term care beds (except psychiatric) in hospitals, number

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   Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals per 100,000 inhab.
QoG Code: eu_heahbedltphthab

Long-term care beds (except psychiatric) in hospitals, per 100 thousand inhabitants

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   Available beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbednr

Available beds in hospitals, number

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   Other beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothhabp

Other beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed

More about this variable

   Other beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothnr

Other beds in hospitals, number

More about this variable

   Other beds in hospitals, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothphthab

Other beds in hospitals, Per hundred thousand inhabitants

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   Available beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedphthab

Available beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants

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   Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsyhabp

Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed

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   Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsynr

Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, number

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   Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsyphthab

Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants

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   Medical doctors, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heamdochthab

Medical doctors, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Professionally active.

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   Medical doctors, number
QoG Code: eu_heamdocnr

Medical doctors, number. Professionally active.

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   Medical doctors, inhabitants per doctor
QoG Code: eu_heamdocp

Medical doctors, Inhabitants per doctor. Professionally active.

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   Professionally active nurses and midwives, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heanurshthab

Professionally active nurses and midwives, per hundred thousand inhabitants.

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   Professionally active nurses and midwives, number
QoG Code: eu_heanursnr

Professionally active nurses and midwives, number.

More about this variable

   Professionally active nurses and midwives, inhabitants per nurse/midwife
QoG Code: eu_heanursp

Professionally active nurses and midwives, inhabitants per nurse/midwife.

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   Pharmacists, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heapharmhthab

Pharmacists, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Professionally active.

More about this variable

   Pharmacists, number
QoG Code: eu_heapharmnr

Pharmacists, number. Professionally active.

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   Pharmacists, inhabitants per pharmacist
QoG Code: eu_heapharmp

Pharmacists, inhabitants per pharmacist. Professionally active.

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Percentage of current smokers and daily smokers
QoG Code: eu_heasmok

Percentage of current smokers and daily smokers

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Last online purchase: between 3 and 12 months ago, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_b3_12

Percentage of individuals whose last online purchase between 3 and 12 months ago. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Online purchases: from sellers from other EU countries, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bfeu

Percentage of individuals who have made online purchases from sellers in other EU countries. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Online purchases: travel and holiday accommodation, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bhols

Percentage of individuals who purchased travel and holiday accommodation online. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Last online purchase: in the 12 months, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_blt12

Percentage of individuals who made an online purchase in the 12 months. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Last online purchase: more than a year ago or never, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_bumt12x

Percentage of individuals who ordered goods or services in internet more than a year ago or never. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Last online purchase: in the last 3 months, percentage
QoG Code: eu_igs_buy3

Percentage of individuals who made an online purchase in the last 3 months. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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   Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm118f

Number of immigrants aged less than 18, female

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm118m

Number of immigrants aged less than 18, male

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm118t

Number of immigrants aged less than 18, total

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm1824f

Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, female

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm1824m

Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, male

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm1824t

Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, total

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm2534f

Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, female

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm2534m

Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, male

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm2534t

Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, total

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm3564f

Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, female

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm3564m

Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, male

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm3564t

Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, total

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm65f

Number of immigrants aged more than 65, female

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm65m

Number of immigrants aged more than 65, male

More about this variable

   Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm65t

Number of immigrants aged more than 65, total

More about this variable

Percentage of households with broadband internet access
QoG Code: eu_is_bacc

Percentage of households with broadband internet access. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

More about this variable

Percentage of households with internet access
QoG Code: eu_is_iacc

Percentage of households with internet access. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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   Internet use: internet banking
QoG Code: eu_isiubk

Internet use: internet banking as percentage of all individuals

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   Internet use: civic or political participation
QoG Code: eu_isiucpp

Internet use: civic or political participation as percentage of all individuals

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   Internet use: seeking health information
QoG Code: eu_isiuhlt

Internet use: seeking health information as percentage of all individuals

More about this variable

   Internet use: participating in social networks
QoG Code: eu_isiunet

Internet use: participating in social networks as percentage of all individuals

More about this variable

   Internet use: selling goods or services
QoG Code: eu_isiusell

Internet use: selling goods or services as percentage of all individuals

More about this variable

   Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_isiux

Internet use: never as a percentage of all individuals

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   Households with broadband access (% of households with Internet access)
QoG Code: eu_ispchhiacc

Households with broadband access (% of households with Internet access)

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Percentage of individuals using internet to interact with public authorities
QoG Code: eu_iu_govform

Percentage of individuals using the internet to interact with public authorities. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Percentage of individuals using internet to submit forms to authorities
QoG Code: eu_iu_govint

Percentage of individuals using the internet to submit forms to authorities. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Frequency of internet access: daily
QoG Code: eu_iu_iday

Percentage of individuals using the internet on a daily basis. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Last internet use: in the last 12 months
QoG Code: eu_iu_ilt12

Percentage of individuals who used the internet in the last 12 months. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Last internet use: in last 3 months
QoG Code: eu_iu_iu3

Percentage of individuals who used the internet in the last 3 months. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Internet use: Internet banking
QoG Code: eu_iu_iubk

Percentage of individuals using the internet banking. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Internet use: civic or political participation
QoG Code: eu_iu_iucpp

Percentage of individuals using the internet for civic and political participation. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Frequency of internet access: once a week (including every day)
QoG Code: eu_iu_iuse

Percentage of individuals using the internet at least once a week. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Internet use: selling goods or services
QoG Code: eu_iu_iusell

Percentage of individuals using the internet to sell goods or services. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Internet use: participating in social networks
QoG Code: eu_iu_iusnet

Percentage of individuals using the internet to participate in social networks. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_iu_iux

Percentage of individuals who have never used the internet. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Percentage of individuals who have never used a computer
QoG Code: eu_iu_never

Percentage of individuals who have never used a computer. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Individuals who accessed internet away from home or work, %
QoG Code: eu_iu_ohw

Percentage of individuals who accessed the internet away from home or work. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Individuals who accessed internet away from home or work in the last 3 months, %
QoG Code: eu_iu_ohw3

Percentage of individuals who accessed the internet away from home or work in the last 3 months. Data given in this domain are collected annually by the National Statistical Institutes and are based on Eurostat's annual model questionnaires on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) usage in households and by individuals. The survey comprises questions at household level and individual level. The population of households consists of all private households having at least one member in the age group 16 to 74 years. The population of individuals consists of all individuals aged 16 to 74 (on an optional basis some countries collect separate data on other age groups, individuals aged 15 years or less, aged 75 or more). Regional breakdowns have been provided on a voluntary basis for 2006 and 2007 according to NUTS1 or NUTS2 by several countries. Starting from 2008, the collection of NUTS1 breakdowns is obligatory (regional breakdowns for all countries are available) while NUTS2 breakdowns are still optional.

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Long-term unemployment as percentage of active population
QoG Code: eu_ltu_pc_act

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of active population. Long-term unemployment is defined as being unemployed for 12 months or longer. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Long-term unemployment as percentage of unemployment
QoG Code: eu_ltu_pc_une

Long-term unemployment as a percentage of unemployment. Long-term unemployment is defined as being unemployed for 12 months or longer. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Long-term unemployment in thousands
QoG Code: eu_ltu_ths

Long-term unemployment in thousands. Long-term unemployment is defined as being unemployed for 12 months or longer. Unemployed persons comprise persons aged 15 to 74 who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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People (0 to 59 years) in households with low work intensity, as %
QoG Code: eu_lwoin_pc

Population aged 0-59 living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS regions, as a percentage of total population. People living in households with very low work intensity are people aged 0-59 living in households where the adults work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.

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People (0 to 59 years) in households with low work intensity, % of total pop.
QoG Code: eu_lwoin_pc_y_lt60

Population aged 0-59 living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS regions, as a percentage of total population aged less than 60. People living in households with very low work intensity are people aged 0-59 living in households where the adults work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.

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Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_matdep_pc

Percentage of total population living in conditions of severe material deprivation by NUTS 2 regions. The collection "material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing and environment of the dwelling. Severely materially deprived persons have living conditions severely constrained by a lack of resources, they experience at least 4 out of 9 following deprivations items: they cannot afford i) to pay rent or utility bills, ii) keep home adequately warm, iii) face unexpected expenses, iv) eat meat, fish or a protein equivalent every second day, v) a week holiday away from home, vi) a car, vii) a washing machine, viii) a colour TV, ix) a telephone.

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Regional gross domestic product by NUTS 2 regions, million EUR
QoG Code: eu_mio_eur

Regional gross domestic product (GDP) by NUTS 2 regions in Million euro. GDP is an indicator of the output of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Expressing GDP in PPS (purchasing power standards) eliminates differences in price levels between countries. Calculations on a per inhabitant basis allow for the comparison of economies and regions significantly different in absolute size. GDP per inhabitant in PPS is the key variable for determining the eligibility of NUTS 2 regions in the framework of the European Union's structural policy.

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Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, female
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_f

Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, female. Life expectancy at given exact age is the mean number of years still to be lived by a person who has reached a certain exact age, if subjected throughout the rest of his or her life to the current mortality conditions (age-specific probabilities of dying).

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Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, male
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_m

Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, male. Life expectancy at given exact age is the mean number of years still to be lived by a person who has reached a certain exact age, if subjected throughout the rest of his or her life to the current mortality conditions (age-specific probabilities of dying).

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Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, total
QoG Code: eu_mlifexp_t

Life expectancy in years at 1 year old, total. Life expectancy at given exact age is the mean number of years still to be lived by a person who has reached a certain exact age, if subjected throughout the rest of his or her life to the current mortality conditions (age-specific probabilities of dying).

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Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_ld

Maritime transport of freight loaded in thousand tonnes. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_ld_nld

Maritime transport of freight loaded and unloaded in thousand tonnes. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Maritime transport of freight and mail loaded and unloaded, in thousand tonnes
QoG Code: eu_mtf_fr_nld

Maritime transport of freight unloaded in thousand tonnes. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Maritime transport of passengers embarked and disembarked, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas

Maritime transport of passengers embarked and disembarked in thousand passengers. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Passengers carried by air transport, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd

Air transport of passengers carried in thousand passengers. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Passengers carried by air transport, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd_arr

Air transport of passengers carried (arrival) in thousand passengers. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Passengers carried by air transport (arrival), in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_crd_dep

Air transport of passengers carried (departures), in thousand passengers. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1358/2003. They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Maritime transport of passengers, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_demb

Maritime transport of passengers disembarked in thousand passengers. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Maritime transport of passengers disembarked, in thousand passengers
QoG Code: eu_mtp_pas_emb

Maritime transport of passengers embarked in thousand passengers. The maritime transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the port level in the frame of Council Directive 2009/42/EC (6.5.2009). They are aggregated at regional level (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2) and also at national level (NUTS0), excluding double counting within each region.

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Crude rate of natural change of population
QoG Code: eu_natgrowrt

Crude rate of natural change. It is the ratio of natural change over a period to the average population of the area in question during that period. The value is expressed per 1000 inhabitants.

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15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, female
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524f

15-24 year old females neither in employment nor in education as percentage. The indicator on young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) provides information on young people aged 15 to 24 who meet the following two conditions: (a) they are not employed (i.e. unemployed or inactive according to the International Labour Organisation definition) and (b) they have not received any education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. Data are expressed as a percentage of the total population in the same age group and sex, excluding the respondents who have not answered the question 'participation to education and training'. Data come from the European Union Labour Force Survey.

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15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, male
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524m

15-24 year old males neither in employment nor in education as percentage. The indicator on young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) provides information on young people aged 15 to 24 who meet the following two conditions: (a) they are not employed (i.e. unemployed or inactive according to the International Labour Organisation definition) and (b) they have not received any education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. Data are expressed as a percentage of the total population in the same age group and sex, excluding the respondents who have not answered the question 'participation to education and training'. Data come from the European Union Labour Force Survey.

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15-24 year old neither in employment nor in education as percentage, total
QoG Code: eu_neet_y1524t

15-24 year old population neither in employment nor in education as percentage. The indicator on young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) provides information on young people aged 15 to 24 who meet the following two conditions: (a) they are not employed (i.e. unemployed or inactive according to the International Labour Organisation definition) and (b) they have not received any education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. Data are expressed as a percentage of the total population in the same age group and sex, excluding the respondents who have not answered the question 'participation to education and training'. Data come from the European Union Labour Force Survey.

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Mean age of women at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_nmarpct

Mean age of women at childbirth. It is calculated as the mean age of women when their children are born.

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Population density, average population per square km
QoG Code: eu_per_km2

Average population density per square km. Population density is the ratio of the (annual average) population of a region to the (land) area of the region; total area (including inland waters) is used when land area is not available.

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Primary income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
QoG Code: eu_pinc_pps_hab

Primary income of private households by NUTS 2 regions in PPS (purchasing power standards) based on final consumption per inhabitant. The disposable income of private households is the balance of primary income (operating surplus/mixed income plus compensation of employees plus property income received minus property income paid) and the redistribution of income in cash. These transactions comprise social contributions paid, social benefits in cash received, current taxes on income and wealth paid, as well as other current transfers. Disposable income does not include social transfers in kind coming from public administrations or non-profit institutions serving households.

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   Severe material deprivation rate (Total)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdepr

Severe material deprivation rate (Total)

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   Severe material deprivation rate (Female)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdeprf

Severe material deprivation rate (Female)

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   Severe material deprivation rate (Male)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdeprm

Severe material deprivation rate (Male)

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   % of people under 60(y) living in households w. very low work intensity
QoG Code: eu_povpoplwoin

Percentage of people under 60 years old living in households with very low work intensity

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People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_povr_pc

People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS 2 regions, percentage of total population. Persons who are at risk of poverty or severely materially deprived or living in households with very low work intensity. Persons are only counted once even if they are present in several sub-indicators. At risk-of-poverty are persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income (after social transfers). Material deprivation covers indicators relating to economic strain and durables. Severely materially deprived persons have living conditions severely constrained by a lack of resources, they experience at least 4 out of 9 following deprivations items: cannot afford i) to pay rent or utility bills, ii) keep home adequately warm, iii) face unexpected expenses, iv) eat meat, fish or a protein equivalent every second day, v) a week holiday away from home, vi) a car, vii) a washing machine, viii) a colour TV, or ix) a telephone. People living in households with very low work intensity are those aged 0-59 living in households where the adults (aged 18-59) work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.

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At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS regions, percentage
QoG Code: eu_povrisk_pc

Percentage of total population at-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions. The persons with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median equivalised disposable income (after social transfers).

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Total R&D employees in business enterprise sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_bes_f

Female R&D employees in business enterprise sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in business enterprise sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_bes_t

Total R&D employees in business enterprise sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in government sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_gov_f

Female R&D employees in government sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in government sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_gov_t

Total R&D employees in government sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in higher education sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_hes_f

Female R&D employees in higher education sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in higher education sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_hes_t

Total R&D employees in higher education sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in private non-profit sector, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_pnp_f

Female R&D employees in private non-profit sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

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Total R&D employees in private non-profit sector, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_pnp_t

Total R&D employees in private non-profit sector, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Total R&D employees in all sectors, female, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_total_f

Female R&D employees in all sectors, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Total R&D employees in all sectors, total, full-time equivalent
QoG Code: eu_prd_total_t

Total R&D employees in all sectors, full-time equivalent. R&D personnel in a statistical unit include all persons engaged directly in R&D, whether employed by the statistical unit or external contributors fully integrated into the statistical unit`s R&D activities, as well as those providing direct services for the R&D activities (such as R&D managers, administrators, technicians and clerical straff). Persons providing indirect support and ancillary services, such as canteen, maintenance, administrative and security staff, has been excluded, even though their wages and salaries are included in “other current costs” when measuring R&D expenditure. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Injured victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_rac_inj

Injured victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants. It includes any person who as result of an injury accident was not killed immediately or not dying within 30 days, but sustained an injury, normally needing medical treatment, excluding attempted suicides. Persons with lesser wounds, such as minor cuts and bruises are not normally recorded as injured. An injured person is excluded if the competent authority declares the cause of the injury to be attempted suicide by that person, i.e. a deliberate act to injure oneself resulting in injury, but not in death.

More about this variable

Killed victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_rac_kil

Killed victims in road accidents, per million inhabitants. It includes any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an injury accident, excluding suicides. A killed person is excluded if the competent authority declares the cause of death to be suicide, i.e. a deliberate act to injure oneself resulting in death. For countries that do not apply the threshold of 30 days, conversion coefficients are estimated so that comparisons on the basis of the 30 day-definition can be made.

More about this variable

Business enterprise sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_bes

Business enterprise sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant. Intramural R&D expenditures are all current expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D performed within a statistical unit during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Government sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_gov

Government sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant. Intramural R&D expenditures are all current expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D performed within a statistical unit during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Higher education sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_hes

Higher education sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant. Intramural R&D expenditures are all current expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D performed within a statistical unit during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

Private non-profit sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_pnp

Private non-profit sector intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant. Intramural R&D expenditures are all current expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D performed within a statistical unit during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

All sectors intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_rdexp_total

All sectors intramural expenditure in R&D, euro per inhabitant. Intramural R&D expenditures are all current expenditures plus gross fixed expenditure for R&D performed within a statistical unit during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Further information on the concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics can be found in Frascati Manual (OECD 2015).

More about this variable

   Researchers in all sectors as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resallf

Researchers in all sectors as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (female)

More about this variable

   Researchers in all sectors as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resallt

Researchers in all sectors as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (total)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Business Sector as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resbusf

Researchers in Business Sector as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (female)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Business Sector as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resbust

Researchers in Business Sector as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (total)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Higher Education as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_reseduf

Researchers in Higher Education as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (female)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Higher Education as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resedut

Researchers in Higher Education as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (total)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Government as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resgovf

Researchers in Government as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (female)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Government as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resgovt

Researchers in Government as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (total)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Non-profits as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resnonpf

Researchers in Non-profits as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (female)

More about this variable

   Researchers in Non-profits as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resnonpt

Researchers in Non-profits as percentage of total employment - full-time equivalent (total)

More about this variable

Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices
QoG Code: eu_rgva_pch_pre

Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS 2 regions, percentage change on previous year. GVA is an indicator of the economic activity of a country or a region. It reflects the total value of all goods and services produced less the value of goods and services used for intermediate consumption in their production. Several years ago Eurostat has started to collect real growth rates of regional GVA at NUTS level 2 from those Member States which calculate this already. The indicator is part of the ESA 2010 data transmission programme, but the transmission will be obligatory only as from the end of 2017.

More about this variable

   Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabf

Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarrying (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Male) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabm

Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarrying (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabt

Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarrying (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcff

Employment in Manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcfm

Employment in Manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcft

Employment in Manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcf

Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcm

Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmf

Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in High/Medium High-Tech Manufacturing (Female) % of total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmhf

Employment in High and medium high-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in High/medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmhm

Employment in High and medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in High/Medium High-Tech Manufacturing (Male/Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmht

Employment in High and medium high-tech manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmm

Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmt

Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtct

Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low-technology manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcf

Employment in Low-technology manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low/medium low-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmf

Employment in Low and medium low-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low/medium low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmm

Employment in Low and medium low-technology manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low/Medium Low-Tech Manufacturing (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmt

Employment in Low and medium low-technology manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcm

Employment in Low-technology manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmf

Employment in Medium low-technology manufacturing (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmm

Employment in Medium low-technology manufacturing (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmt

Employment in Medium low-technology manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Low-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltct

Employment in Low-technology manufacturing (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air Con. supply (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctdff

Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air conditioning supply (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air Con. supply (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctdfm

Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air conditioning supply (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air Con. (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctdft

Employment in Electricity, Gas, Steam, Air conditioning supply (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Wholesale, Retail, Food Service (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitf

Employment in Wholesale, Retail trade, Food service activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Wholesale, Retail trade, Food service (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitm

Employment in Wholesale, Retail trade, Food service activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Wholesale, Retail, Food Service (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitt

Employment in Wholesale, Retail trade, Food service activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Services (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctguf

Employment in Services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Services (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgum

Employment in Services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Services (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgut

Employment in Services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79f

Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79m

Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Transport, Warehouse (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79t

Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech sectors (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtcf

Employment in high-tech sectors (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech sectors (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtcm

Employment in high-tech sectors (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in high-tech sectors (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtct

Employment in high-tech sectors (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Information and communication (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjf

Employment in Information and communication (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Information and communication (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjm

Employment in Information and communication (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Information and communication (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjt

Employment in Information and communication (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkf

Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisf

Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtcf

Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtcm

Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-Intensive High-Tech Serv. (Male/Female) % total emp.
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtct

Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkism

Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktothf

Employment in Knowledge-intensive market services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktothm

Employment in Knowledge-intensive market services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktotht

Employment in Knowledge-intensive market services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisothf

Employment in Other knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisothm

Employment in Other knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisotht

Employment in Other knowledge-intensive services (Total) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkist

Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkm

Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female/male) % total employm.
QoG Code: eu_sctkt

Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisf

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkism

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktf

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktm

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktt

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisothf

Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisothm

Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other Less Knowledge-Intensive Serv. (M/F) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisotht

Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkist

Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Professional, scientific and tech (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmf

Employment in Professional, scientific and tech activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Professional, scientific and tech (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmm

Employment in Professional, scientific and tech activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Professional, Scientific and Tech (Female/Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmt

Employment in Professional, scientific and tech activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctnf

Employment in Administrative and support service activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctnm

Employment in Administrative and support service activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Female/Male) % total employm.
QoG Code: eu_sctnt

Employment in Administrative and support service activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpaf

Employment in Public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpam

Employment in Public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpat

Employment in Public administration; activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpf

Employment in Education (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpm

Employment in Education (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Patent applications to the EPO, Puschasing Power Standard per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_sctppspop

Patent applications to the EPO, Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant

More about this variable

   Employment in Education (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpt

Employment in Education (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqf

Employment in Human health and social work activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqm

Employment in Human health and social work activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Female/Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqt

Employment in Human health and social work activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrf

Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrm

Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Arts, entertainment & recreation (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrt

Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Patent applications to the EPO, Per million inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_sctrtotpmin

Patent applications to the EPO, Per million inhabitants

More about this variable

   Employment in Other service activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctsf

Employment in Other service activities (Female) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other service activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctsm

Employment in Other service activities (Male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Employment in Other service activities (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctst

Employment in Other service activities (Female and male) % total employment

More about this variable

   Patent applications to the EPO, number
QoG Code: eu_scttotn

Patent applications to the EPO, number

More about this variable

   Severe material and social deprivation rate
QoG Code: eu_sevsocmatdep

Severe material and social deprivation rate.

More about this variable

Mean age of women at birth of first child
QoG Code: eu_totferrt

Mean age of women at birth of first child. It is calculated as the mean age of women when their first children are born.

More about this variable

Net occupancy rate of bed-places in hotels and similar
QoG Code: eu_tour_bedpl

Net occupancy rate of bed-places in hotels and similar. The occupancy rate of bed-places in reference period is obtained by dividing the total number of overnight stays by the number of the bed-places on offer (excluding extra beds) and the number of days when the bed-places are actually available for use (net of seasonal closures and other temporary closures for decoration, by police order, etc.). The result is multiplied by 100 to express the occupancy rate as a percentage. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

More about this variable

Net occupancy rate of bedrooms in hotels and similar
QoG Code: eu_tour_bedrm

Net occupancy rate of bedrooms in hotels and similar. The net occupancy rate of bedrooms in reference period is obtained by dividing the total number of bedrooms used during the reference period (i.e. the sum of the bedrooms in use per day) by the total number of bedrooms available for the reference period (i.e. the sum of bedrooms available per day). The result is multiplied by 100 to express the occupancy rate as a percentage. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

More about this variable

Number of nights spent at camping grounds, recreational vehicle and trailer park
QoG Code: eu_tour_nscamp

Number of nights spent at camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks. A night spent (or overnight stay) is each night a guest / tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) in a tourist accommodation establishment or non-rented accommodation. Normally the date of arrival is different from the date of departure but persons arriving after midnight and leaving on the same day are included in overnight stays. A person should not be registered in two or more accommodation establishments at the same time. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

More about this variable

Number of nights spent at hotels and similar accommodation
QoG Code: eu_tour_nshotel

Number of nights spent at hotels and similar accommodations. A night spent (or overnight stay) is each night a guest / tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) in a tourist accommodation establishment or non-rented accommodation. Normally the date of arrival is different from the date of departure but persons arriving after midnight and leaving on the same day are included in overnight stays. A person should not be registered in two or more accommodation establishments at the same time. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

More about this variable

Number of nights spent at holiday and other short-stay accommodation
QoG Code: eu_tour_nssa

Number of nights spent at holiday and other short-stay accommodation. A night spent (or overnight stay) is each night a guest / tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) in a tourist accommodation establishment or non-rented accommodation. Normally the date of arrival is different from the date of departure but persons arriving after midnight and leaving on the same day are included in overnight stays. A person should not be registered in two or more accommodation establishments at the same time. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

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Number of nights spent at tourist accommodations
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour

Number of nights spent at tourist accommodations. A night spent (or overnight stay) is each night a guest / tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) in a tourist accommodation establishment or non-rented accommodation. Normally the date of arrival is different from the date of departure but persons arriving after midnight and leaving on the same day are included in overnight stays. A person should not be registered in two or more accommodation establishments at the same time. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

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Number of bed-places in hotels, camping places and other
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour_bedpl

Number of bed-places in hotels, camping places and other. The number of bed-places in an establishment or dwelling is determined by the number of persons who can stay overnight in the beds set up in the establishment (dwelling), ignoring any extra beds that may be set up by customer request. The term bed place applies to a single bed, double beds are counted as two bed-places. The unit serves to measure the capacity of any type of accommodation. A bed place is also a place on a pitch or in a boat on a mooring to accommodate one person. One camping pitch should equal four bed-places if the actual number of bed-places is not known.

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Number of establishments in hotels, camping places and other
QoG Code: eu_tour_nstour_estbl

Number of establishments in hotels, camping places and other. A tourist accommodation establishment is defined as any facility that regularly or occasionally provides short-term accommodation for tourists as a paid service (although the price might be partially or fully subsidised). Data is reported at the level of a local kind-of-activity unit. The local unit is an enterprise or part thereof situated in a geographically identified place. At or from this place economic activity is carried out for which - save for certain exceptions - one or more persons work (even if only part-time) for one and the same enterprise. The accommodation establishment conforms to the definition of local unit as the production unit. This is irrespective of whether the accommodation of tourists is the main or secondary activity. This means that all establishments are classified in the accommodation sector if their capacity exceeds the national minimum even if the major part of turnover may come from restaurant or other services.

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   Navigable canals (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trcnlkm

Navigable canals in the country in kilometres

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   Maritime transport, freight loaded and unloaded (1000's tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trfrldnld

Maritime transport in a country defined as transport for both freight loaded and unloaded in 1000's tonnes

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   Inland waterways transportation (1000's tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trinlw

Inland waterways transportation in the country in thousand tonnes

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   Air transport, freight and mail loaded and unloaded (tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trldnld

Air transport in a country defined as transport for both freight and mail loaded and unloaded (tonnes)

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   Motorways (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trmwaykm

Motorways in the country in kilometres

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Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_cnl

Navigable canal and waterway built primarily for navigation in the country in kilometers

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Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_mway

Motorway / freeway – road, specially designed and built for motor traffic, which does not serve properties bordering on it, and which: i) is provided, except at special points or temporarily, with separate carriageways for traffic in two directions, separated from each other, either by a dividing strip not intended for traffic, or exceptionally by other means; ii) has no crossings at the same level with any road, railway or tramway track, or footpath; and iii) is especially sign-posted as a motorway and is reserved for specific categories of road motor vehicles. The variable is presented in kilometers.

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Motorways, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rd_oth

Other roads, in kilometers.

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Other roads, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_riv

Navigable river – natural waterway open for navigation, irrespective of whether it has been improved for that purpose.

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Navigable rivers, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl

Railway line – line of communication made up by rail exclusively for the use of railway vehicles. Line of communication is an area equipped for the performance of rail transport.

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Total railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_elc

Electrified railway lines in kilometers.

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Electrified railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_tge2

Railway lines with double and more tracks in kilometers.

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   Other roads (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrdothkm

Other roads that are not primary motorways in the country in kilometres

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   Navigable rivers (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrivkm

Navigable rivers in the country in kilometres

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   Electrified railway lines (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrlelckm

Electrified railway lines in the country in kilometres

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   Total railway lines (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrlkm

Total railway lines in the country in kilometres

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   Railway lines with double and more tracks (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrltge2km

Railway lines with double and more tracks in the country in kilometres

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Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524f

Unemployment rate for women between 15-24 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524m

Unemployment rate for men between 15-24 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 15-24 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1524t

Total unemployment rate for 15-24 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574f

Unemployment rate for women between 15-74 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574m

Unemployment rate for men between 15-74 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 15-74 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_1574t

Total unemployment rate for 15-74 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064f

Unemployment rate for women between 20-64 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064m

Unemployment rate for men between 20-64 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for 20-64 years old, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_2064t

Total unemployment rate for 20-64 years old. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 15 years, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15f

Unemployment rate for women aged 15 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 15 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15m

Unemployment rate for men aged 15 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 15 years, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15t

Total unemployment rate for people aged 15 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 25 years, female
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25f

Unemployment rate for women aged 25 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 25 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25m

Unemployment rate for men aged 25 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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Unemployment rate for + 25 years, total
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25t

Total unemployment rate for people aged 25 years and over. Unemployed persons comprise persons who fulfil all the three following conditions: - are without work during the reference week; - are available to start work within the next two weeks; - have been actively seeking work in the past four weeks or have already found a job to start within the next three months. The source for the regional labour market information is the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). This is a quarterly household sample survey conducted in all Member States of the EU, the United Kingdom, EFTA and Candidate Countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey). The definitions of employment and unemployment, as well as other survey characteristics follow the definitions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

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   Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Female (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunef

Long-term unemployment 25+ years, female (% of unemployment)

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   Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Male (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunem

Long-term unemployment 25+ years, male (% of unemployment)

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   Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Total (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunet

Long-term unemployment 25+ years, total (% of unemployment)

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   Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524f

Unemployment rates: 15 to 24 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524m

Unemployment rates: 15 to 24 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524t

Unemployment rates: 15 to 24 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574f

Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574m

Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574t

Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Total (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: Total, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytotf

Unemployment rates: 15 to 74 Years, Female (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: Total, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytotm

Unemployment rates: 15 to 74 Years, Male (percentage of active population)

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   Unemployment rates: Total, Female and Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytott

Unemployment rates: 15 to 74 Years, Total (percentage of active population) for Female and Male population

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Total number of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses
QoG Code: eu_vs_bus_tot

Total number of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses. Motor coach is passenger road motor vehicle designed to seat 24 or more persons (including the driver) and constructed exclusively for the carriage of seated passengers. Bus is defined as passenger road motor vehicle designed to carry more than 24 persons (including the driver), and with provision to carry seated as well as standing passengers. Trolleybus is passenger road vehicle designed to seat more than nine persons (including the driver), which is connected to electric conductors and which is not rail-borne. This term covers vehicles which may be used either as trolleybuses or as buses, if they have a motor independent of the main electric power supply.

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Total number of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses
QoG Code: eu_vs_car

Total number of passenger cars. Passenger car is a road motor vehicle, other than a moped or a motor cycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver). Included are: passenger cars, vans designed and used primarily for transport of passengers, taxis, hire cars, ambulances, motor homes. Excluded are light goods road vehicles, as well as motor-coaches and buses, and mini-buses/mini-coaches. "Passenger car" includes micro cars (needing no permit to be driven), taxis and passenger hire cars, provided that they have fewer than ten seats.

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Total number of passenger cars
QoG Code: eu_vs_lor

Total number of lorries. Lorry / truck is rigid road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods.

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Total number of lorries
QoG Code: eu_vs_moto

Total number of motorcycles. Motorcycle is defined as two-, three- or four-wheeled road motor vehicle not exceeding 400 kg (900 lb) of unladen weight. All such vehicles with a cylinder capacity of 50 cc or over are included, as are those under 50 cc which do not meet the definition of moped.

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Total number of motorcycles
QoG Code: eu_vs_spe

Total number of special vehicles. Special purpose road motor vehicle is road motor vehicle designed for purposes other than the carriage of passengers or goods. This category includes: fire brigade vehicles, mobile cranes, self-propelled rollers, bulldozers with metallic wheels or track, vehicles for recording film, radio and TV broadcasting, mobile library vehicles, towing vehicles for vehicles in need of repair, other special purpose road motor vehicles.

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Total number of special vehicles
QoG Code: eu_vs_tot_x_tm

Total number of all vehicles except trailers and motorcycles.

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Total number of all vehicles (except trailers and motorcycles)
QoG Code: eu_vs_trc

Total number of road tractors. Road tractor is road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to haul other road vehicles which are not power-driven (mainly semi-trailers). Agricultural tractors are excluded.

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Total number of road tractors
QoG Code: eu_vs_trl_strl

Total number of trailers and semi-trailers. Trailer is goods road vehicle designed to be hauled by a road motor vehicle. This category excludes agricultural trailers and caravans. Semi-trailer describes goods road vehicle with no front axle designed in such way that part of the vehicle and a substantial part of its loaded weight rests on a road tractor.

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Total number of trailers and semi-trailers
QoG Code: eu_vs_utl

Total number of total utility vehicles.

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