Variable: Dentists per hundred thousand inhabitants

QoG Code: (eu_hea_dent)

Dataset: Eurostat datasets


Dentists, per hundred thousand inhabitants. Health care staff data refer to human resources available for providing health care services in the country, irrespective of the sector of employment (i.e. whether they are independent, employed by a hospital or any other health care provider). 'Manpower' categories focus on health care professionals (physicians, dentists, nursing and caring professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists). Three different concepts are used to present the number of health care professionals: i) 'practising', i.e. health care professionals providing services directly to patients; ii) 'professionally active', i.e. 'practising' health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job; iii) 'licensed to practice', i.e. health care professionals who are registered and entitled to practice as health care professionals.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2023-11-05



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