Variable: Electoral Volatility in the EP - Parties entering/exiting party system

QoG Code: (evep_regv)

Dataset: Dataset of Electoral Volatility in the European Parliament elections since 1979


Electoral volatility in the European Parliament, caused by vote switching between parties that enter or exit from the party system. A party is considered as entering the party system where it receives at least 1% of the national share in election at time t+1 (while it received less than 1% in election at time t). Conversely, a party is considered as exiting the part system where it receives less than 1% in election at time t+1 (while it received at least 1% in election at time t).

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-08-20
Last updated by source: 2024-07-16


Political Parties and Elections

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Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 28
Standard time-series: 28

This variable has information for these countries:

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This variable has information from the year 1984 to the year 2019