Variable: Election vote buying

QoG Code: (vdem_elvotbuy)

Dataset: Varieties of Democracy Dataset version 13


Election vote buying
Question: In this national election, was there evidence of vote and/or turnout buying?

Clarification: Vote and turnout buying refers to the distribution of money or gifts to individuals, families, or small groups in order to influence their decision to vote/not vote or whom to vote for. It does not include legislation targeted at specific constituencies, i.e., "porkbarrel" legislation.

0: Yes. There was systematic, widespread, and almost nationwide vote/turnout buying by
almost all parties and candidates.
1: Yes, some. There were non-systematic but rather common vote-buying efforts, even if only
in some parts of the country or by one or a few parties.
2: Restricted. Money and/or personal gifts were distributed by parties or candidates but these
offerings were more about meeting an ‘entry-ticket’ expectation and less about actual vote
choice or turnout, even if a smaller number of individuals may also be persuaded.
3: Almost none. There was limited use of money and personal gifts, or these attempts were
limited to a few small areas of the country. In all, they probably affected less than a few
percent of voters.
4: None. There was no evidence of vote/turnout buying.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-09-05
Last updated by source: 2023-02-22


Quality of Government

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Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 166
Standard time-series: 172
OECD cross-section: 32
OECD time-series: 32

This variable has information for these countries:

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This variable has information from the year 1946 to the year 2022