OECD Time-series

Version: 2025

Member of an Alliance
QoG Code: atop_ally
Consultancy Obligation
QoG Code: atop_consult
Defensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_defensive
Neutrality Obligation
QoG Code: atop_neutrality
Non-Aggression Obligation
QoG Code: atop_nonagg
Number of Alliances
QoG Code: atop_number
Offensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_offensive
Commitment start
QoG Code: atop_transyr
Global Militarization Index
QoG Code: bicc_gmi
Heavy Weapons Index
QoG Code: bicc_hw
Military Expenditure Index
QoG Code: bicc_milexp
Military Personnel Index
QoG Code: bicc_milper
Official Religion
QoG Code: biu_offrel
Religious Legislation
QoG Code: biu_relleg
Democratic transition
QoG Code: bmr_demtran
No. of chambers in parliament
QoG Code: br_chpar
Is the country a colony
QoG Code: br_col
No. of coups
QoG Code: br_coup
Is the country a democracy
QoG Code: br_dem
Whether an election was postponed
QoG Code: br_elecpost
No. of failed coups
QoG Code: br_fcoup
Is the country a monarchy
QoG Code: br_mon
New constitution implemented
QoG Code: br_newconst
Did the main regime change
QoG Code: br_regch
No. of successful coups
QoG Code: br_scoup
Full suffrage
QoG Code: br_suff
Abortion is available on request
QoG Code: cai_request
Inclusiveness (standardized version)
QoG Code: cam_inclusive
Component 2: Objectives
QoG Code: cbi_cobj
Regional Diffusion for CBI
QoG Code: cbi_difreg
Central bank independence in the constitution
QoG Code: cbie_cbiconstitution
Central Bank's Objectives
QoG Code: cbie_obj
Central Bank's Objectives reform
QoG Code: cbie_objref
Right to Marry in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_marriage
Right to Strike in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_strike
New Constitutional System
QoG Code: ccp_syst
QoG Code: chga_demo
Regime Institutions
QoG Code: chga_hinst
Whether the state is an oligarchy
QoG Code: chisols_olig
Number of SOLS changes in the year
QoG Code: chisols_solschange
Number of leader transitions in the year
QoG Code: chisols_totalldrtrans
Freedom of Domestic Movement
QoG Code: ciri_dommov
Electoral Self-Determination
QoG Code: ciri_elecsd
Independence of the Judiciary
QoG Code: ciri_injud
Extrajudicial Killing
QoG Code: ciri_kill
Physical Integrity Rights
QoG Code: ciri_physint
Political Imprisonment
QoG Code: ciri_polpris
Freedom of Speech and Press
QoG Code: ciri_speech
Women's Economic Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wecon
Women's Political Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wopol
Worker Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_work_l_s
Worker Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_work_p_s
Women's Social Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_l
Women's Social Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_p
State Fragility Index
QoG Code: cspf_sfi
Accountability Transparency
QoG Code: diat_ati
Information Transparency
QoG Code: diat_iti
Transparency Index
QoG Code: diat_ti
Economic Globalization
QoG Code: dr_eg
Index of Globalization
QoG Code: dr_ig
Political Globalization
QoG Code: dr_pg
Social Globalization
QoG Code: dr_sg
E-Government Index
QoG Code: egov_egov
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: egov_epar
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: egov_hci
Online Service Index
QoG Code: egov_osi
Cropland (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrcrop
Cropland (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_lucrop
Forest land (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_luforest
Planted forest (% of Forest area)
QoG Code: fao_luforplant
Cultural Diversity
QoG Code: fe_cultdiv
Ethnic Fractionalization
QoG Code: fe_etfra
Plurality Group
QoG Code: fe_plural
Civil Liberties
QoG Code: fh_cl
Electoral Process
QoG Code: fh_ep
Functioning of Government
QoG Code: fh_fog
Political Rights
QoG Code: fh_pr
Rule of Law
QoG Code: fh_rol
Freedom Status
QoG Code: fh_status
Adaptive Capacity
QoG Code: gain_cap
Economic Readiness
QoG Code: gain_econ
Exposure to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_exp
Food Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_food
ND-GAIN Country Index
QoG Code: gain_gain
Governance Readiness
QoG Code: gain_gov
Human Habitat Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_hab
Health Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_heal
Infrastructural Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_inf
Sensitivity to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_sens
Social Readiness
QoG Code: gain_soc
Water Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_wat
Total Export
QoG Code: gle_exp
Real GDP (2005)
QoG Code: gle_gdp
Total Import
QoG Code: gle_imp
Population (in the 1000's)
QoG Code: gle_pop
Real GDP per Capita (2005)
QoG Code: gle_rgdpc
Total Trade
QoG Code: gle_trade
Average District Magnitude
QoG Code: gol_adm
QoG Code: gol_dist
Electoral System Type-12 classes
QoG Code: gol_est_spec
QoG Code: gol_inst
Mixed Type
QoG Code: gol_mix
Multi-Tier Type
QoG Code: gol_mt
Number of Seats
QoG Code: gol_nos
Presidential Election
QoG Code: gol_preel
Upper Seats
QoG Code: gol_upseat
Upper Tier
QoG Code: gol_uptier
Ongoing Conflict
QoG Code: gpi_conf
Global Peace Index
QoG Code: gpi_gpi
QoG Code: gpi_mil
Safety and Security
QoG Code: gpi_ss
Revenue Forgone (% of GDP)
QoG Code: gted_rfgdp
Revenue Forgone (in USD)
QoG Code: gted_rfusd
Global Terrorism Index
QoG Code: gti_gti
QoG Code: gtm_parl
QoG Code: gtm_unit
Share Direct Taxes in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir1800
Share Direct Taxes in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir1850
Share Government Revenue of GDP in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp1800
Share Government Revenue of GDP in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp1850
Share Indirect Taxes in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind1800
Share Indirect Taxes in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind1850
Independent Judiciary
QoG Code: h_j
Legislative Chamber
QoG Code: h_l1
2nd Legislative Chamber
QoG Code: h_l2
Political Constraints Index V
QoG Code: h_polcon5
HRV Index
QoG Code: hrv_index
Colonial Origin
QoG Code: ht_colonial
The Region of the Country
QoG Code: ht_region
Regime Type
QoG Code: ht_regtype
Regime Type (simplified)
QoG Code: ht_regtype1
Appointment of Executive
QoG Code: iaep_ae
Banning of Anti-System Parties
QoG Code: iaep_basp
Banned Parties
QoG Code: iaep_bp
Constitutional Court
QoG Code: iaep_cc
Electoral System
QoG Code: iaep_es
Executive Veto Power
QoG Code: iaep_evp
Legislature Approves Budget
QoG Code: iaep_lap
Legislature Veto Power
QoG Code: iaep_lvp
No Parties Allowed
QoG Code: iaep_npa
National Referendums
QoG Code: iaep_nr
Official State Party
QoG Code: iaep_osp
Unitary or Federal State
QoG Code: iaep_ufs
QoG Code: ictd_grants
Consolidated Non-Tax Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_nontax
Total Resource Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_revres
Social Contributions
QoG Code: ictd_soccon
Taxes on Goods and Services
QoG Code: ictd_taxgs
Taxes on Individuals
QoG Code: ictd_taxind
Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxindirect
Other Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxother
Taxes on Payroll and Workforce
QoG Code: ictd_taxpaywf
Taxes on Property
QoG Code: ictd_taxprop
Resource Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxres
Electoral System Family
QoG Code: ideaesd_esf
Legislative Size (Directly Elected)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsde
Legislative Size (Voting Members)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsvm
Number of Tiers
QoG Code: ideaesd_tiers
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102t
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204t
Bicameral System
QoG Code: jw_bicameral
Dominant or Populous Tier
QoG Code: jw_domr
Runoff Elections
QoG Code: jw_multiround
Multi Tier (lower/only house)
QoG Code: jw_multitier
Single Party System
QoG Code: jw_oneparty
Personalistic Tier
QoG Code: jw_persr
Tiervote (lower/only house)
QoG Code: jw_tiervote
Real GDP per Capita
QoG Code: mad_gdppc
First Multiparty Election
QoG Code: nelda_fme
Media Bias before Election
QoG Code: nelda_mbbe
Was More Than One Party Legal
QoG Code: nelda_mtop
Number of Elections, Total
QoG Code: nelda_noe
Number of Elections, Executive
QoG Code: nelda_noee
Number of Elections, Legislative
QoG Code: nelda_noel
Was Opposition Allowed
QoG Code: nelda_oa
Child Health Indicator
QoG Code: nrmi_chi
Regime Durability
QoG Code: p_durable
Revised Combined Polity Score
QoG Code: p_polity2
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: pwt_hci
Population (in millions)
QoG Code: pwt_pop
Adopted Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_adqu
Effective Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_efqu
Implemented Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_imqu
Inward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_inw
Outward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_outw
Gas production value in 2000 dollars
QoG Code: ross_gas_value_2000
Gas production value in 2014 dollars
QoG Code: ross_gas_value_2014
Oil production in metric tons
QoG Code: ross_oil_prod
Oil production value in 2000 dollars
QoG Code: ross_oil_value_2000
Oil production value in 2014 dollars
QoG Code: ross_oil_value_2014
Basic Human Needs (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_bn
Opportunity (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_opp
Social Progress Index
QoG Code: spi_ospi
Top 10% income share
QoG Code: top_top10_income_share
Top 1% income share
QoG Code: top_top1_income_share
Human Development Index
QoG Code: undp_hdi
QoG Code: van_comp
Index of Democratization
QoG Code: van_index
QoG Code: van_part
Academic Freedom Index
QoG Code: vdem_academ
Political corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_corr
Deliberative democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_delibdem
Deliberative component index
QoG Code: vdem_dl_delib
Electoral component index
QoG Code: vdem_edcomp_thick
Egalitarian component index
QoG Code: vdem_egal
Egalitarian democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_egaldem
Election vote buying
QoG Code: vdem_elvotbuy
Public sector corrupt exchanges
QoG Code: vdem_excrptps
Executive corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_execorr
Executive embezzlement and theft
QoG Code: vdem_exembez
Public sector theft
QoG Code: vdem_exthftps
Legislature corrupt activities
QoG Code: vdem_gcrrpt
Women political empowerment index
QoG Code: vdem_gender
Judicial corruption decision
QoG Code: vdem_jucorrdc
Liberal democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_libdem
Liberal component index
QoG Code: vdem_liberal
Media corrupt
QoG Code: vdem_mecorrpt
Participatory component index
QoG Code: vdem_partip
Participatory democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_partipdem
Electoral democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_polyarchy
Public sector corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_pubcorr
Percent of age coverage
QoG Code: warc_acov
Age of cabinet leader
QoG Code: warc_leadage
Gender of leader
QoG Code: warc_leadgen
Mean age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_meanage
Median age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_medianage
Percentage of women ministers
QoG Code: warc_wmin
Rule of Law, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rle
Rule of Law, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_rls
Regulatory Quality, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rqe
Armed forces personnel, total
QoG Code: wdi_afpt
Arable land (% of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_araland
Land area (sq. km)
QoG Code: wdi_area
Military expenditure (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_expmil
Forest area (% of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_forest
GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcon2015
GDP per capita (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcur
GDP per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapgr
GDP growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpgr
Gini index
QoG Code: wdi_gini
GNI per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapcon2015
GNI per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapgr
GNI (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicon2015
GNI (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicur
Income share held by highest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10h
Income share held by lowest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10l
Income share held by second 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh202
Income share held by third 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh203
Income share held by fourth 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh204
Income share held by highest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20h
Income share held by lowest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20l
Interest payments (% of expense)
QoG Code: wdi_interexp
Interest payments (% of revenue)
QoG Code: wdi_interrev
Net migration
QoG Code: wdi_migration
Oil rents (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_oilrent
Population, total
QoG Code: wdi_pop
Population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popgr
Rural population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_poprulgr
Urban population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popurbagr
Services, value added (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_svapgdp
Tax revenue (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_taxrev
Trade (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_trade
Trade in services (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_tradeserv
Number of cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_min
Average age in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minage
Homicide Rate, Female
QoG Code: who_homf
Homicide Rate, Male
QoG Code: who_homm
Homicide Rate, Total
QoG Code: who_homt
Infant mortality rate, Female
QoG Code: who_infmortf
Infant mortality rate, Male
QoG Code: who_infmortm
Infant mortality rate, Total
QoG Code: who_infmortt
Median Age, as of 1 July (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage
Projected Median Age in 2030 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2030
Projected Median Age in 2050 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2050
QoG Code: wr_nonautocracy
Mean age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_meanage
Median age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_medianage
Percent MPs aged 30 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp30
Percent MPs aged 35 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp35
Percent MPs aged 40 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp40
Percent MPs aged 41 to 60
QoG Code: yri_mp4160
Percent MPs aged 61 or over
QoG Code: yri_mp61