Variable: Executive embezzlement and theft

QoG Code: (vdem_exembez)

Dataset: Varieties of Democracy Dataset version 13


Executive embezzlement and theft
Question: How often do members of the executive (the head of state, the head of government, and
cabinet ministers), or their agents, steal, embezzle, or misappropriate public funds or other state resources for personal or family use?

0: Constantly. Members of the executive act as though all public resources were their personal
or family property.
1: Often. Members of the executive are responsible stewards of selected public resources but
treat the rest like personal property.
2: About half the time. Members of the executive are about as likely to be responsible stewards
of selected public resources as they are to treat them like personal property.
3: Occasionally. Members of the executive are responsible stewards of most public resources
but treat selected others like personal property.
4: Never, or hardly ever. Members of the executive are almost always responsible stewards of
public resources and keep them separate from personal or family property.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-09-05
Last updated by source: 2023-02-22


Quality of Government

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Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 173
Standard time-series: 184
OECD cross-section: 38
OECD time-series: 40

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