Public sector theft
Question: How often do public sector employees steal, embezzle, or misappropriate public funds or
other state resources for personal or family use?
Clarification: When responding to this question, we would like you to think about a typical person employed by the public sector, excluding the military. If you think there are large discrepancies between branches of the public sector, between the national/federal and subnational/state level, or between the core bureaucracy and employees working with public service delivery, please try to average them out before stating your response.
0: Constantly. Public sector employees act as though all public resources were their personal
or family property.
1: Often. Public sector employees are responsible stewards of selected public resources but
treat the rest like personal property.
2: About half the time. Public sector employees are about as likely to be responsible stewards
of selected public resources as they are to treat them like personal property.
3: Occasionally. Public sector employees are responsible stewards of most public resources but
treat selected others like personal property.
4: Never, or hardly ever. Public sector employees are almost always responsible stewards of
public resources and keep them separate from personal or family property.
Type of variable: Continuous
Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-09-05 Last updated by source: 2023-02-22