Variable: Interest Groups

QoG Code: (bti_ig)

Dataset: Bertelsmann Transformation Index


To what extent is there a network of cooperative associations or interest groups to mediate between society and the political system? From 1 to 10.

  1. Interest groups are present only in isolated social segments, are on the whole poorly balanced and cooperate little. A large number of social interests remain unrepresented.
  2. There is a narrow range of interest groups, in which important social interests are underrepresented. Only a few players dominate, and there is a risk of polarization.
  3. There is an average range of interest groups, which reflect most social interests. However, a few strong interests dominate, producing a latent risk of pooling conflicts.
  4. There is a broad range of interest groups that reflect competing social interests. They tend to balance one another and are cooperative.

Type of variable: Categorical

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-12-06
Last updated by source: 2022-03-17


Civil Society/Population/Culture Political System

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Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 135
Standard time-series: 136

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This variable has information from the year 2005 to the year 2021