Variable: Number of nights spent at camping grounds, recreational vehicle and trailer park

QoG Code: (eu_tour_nscamp)

Dataset: Eurostat datasets


Number of nights spent at camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks. A night spent (or overnight stay) is each night a guest / tourist (resident or non-resident) actually spends (sleeps or stays) in a tourist accommodation establishment or non-rented accommodation. Normally the date of arrival is different from the date of departure but persons arriving after midnight and leaving on the same day are included in overnight stays. A person should not be registered in two or more accommodation establishments at the same time. From reference period 2012 onwards, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Up to reference period 2011, tourism occupancy statistics consist of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Council Directive on tourism statistics 95/57/EC .

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2024-11-28


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This variable has information from the year 1990 to the year 2018