Variable: Freedom to Trade Internationally (panel data)

QoG Code: (fi_ftradeint_pd)

Dataset: Economic Freedom of the World Dataset


The index ranges from 0-10 where 0 corresponds to increasing tax rate on international trade'',slow import or export process'', small trade sectors relative to the population and geographic size'',exchange rate controls are present and a black-market exists'', and restrictions on the freedom of citizens to engage in capital market exchange with foreigners'' and 10 corresponds tono specific taxes on international trade'', swift import or export process'',large trade sectors relative to the population and geographic size'', no black-market exchange rate'', andno restrictions on the freedom of citizens to engage in capital market exchange with foreigners''. The index consists of the following indicators: Taxes on international trade, Regulatory trade barriers, Actual size of trade sector compared to expected size, Difference between official exchange rate and black market rate, and International capital market controls. Panel-data adjusted.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-11-21
Last updated by source: 2023-09-19


Private Economy

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OECD Cross-section - 2024 OECD Time-series - 2024 Standard Cross-section - 2024 Standard Time-series - 2024 Original Dataset

Details of this variable in our compilations datasets
Dataset No. Countries
Standard cross-section: 163
Standard time-series: 167
OECD cross-section: 38
OECD time-series: 39

This variable has information for these countries:

Click here to see the full list of countries

This variable has information from the year 1970 to the year 2021