Variable: Unitarism

QoG Code: (gtm_unit)

Dataset: Centripetal Democratic Governance


Average of Nonfederalism and Nonbicameralism: Nonfederalism is coded as 0 = federal (elective regional legislatures plus conditional recognition of subnational authority), 1 = semifederal (where there are elective legislatures at the regional level but in which constitutional sovereignty is reserved to the national government), or 2 = non-federal. Nonbicameralism is coded as 0 = strong bicameral (upper house has some effective veto power; the two houses are incongruent), 1 = weak bicameral (upper house has some effective veto power, though not necessarily a formal veto; the two houses are congruent), or 2 = unicameral (no upper house or weak upper house).

Type of variable: Categorical

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-11-24
Last updated by source: 2008-06-12


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Standard time-series: 167
OECD time-series: 40

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