Media corrupt
Question: Do journalists, publishers, or broadcasters accept payments in exchange for altering news coverage?
0: The media are so closely directed by the government that any such payments would be
either unnecessary to ensure pro-government coverage or ineffective in producing
anti-government coverage.
1: Journalists, publishers, and broadcasters routinely alter news coverage in exchange for
2: It is common, but not routine, for journalists, publishers, and broadcasters to alter news
coverage in exchange for payments.
3: It is not normal for journalists, publishers, and broadcasters to alter news coverage in
exchange for payments, but it happens occasionally, without anyone being punished.
4: Journalists, publishers, and broadcasters rarely alter news coverage in exchange for
payments, and if it becomes known, someone is punished for it.
Type of variable: Continuous
Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-09-05 Last updated by source: 2023-02-22