National Elections Across Democracy and Autocracy, Version 6

Data source: Hyde and Marinov

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The National Elections across Democracy and Autocracy (NELDA) dataset provides detailed information on all election events from 1945-2020. To be included, elections must be for a national executive figure, such as a president, or for a national legislative body, such as a parliament, legislature, constituent assembly, or other directly elected representative bodies. In order for an election to be included, voters must directly elect the person or persons appearing on the ballot to the national post in question. Voting must also be direct, or “by the people” in the sense that mass voting takes place. Microstates are now included but were not part of NELDA Versions 1-4.

Last updated by source: 2021-07-23

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Hyde, S. D., & Marinov, N. (2012). Which elections can be lost? Political Analysis, 20(2), 191–201.
• Hyde, S. D., & Marinov, N. (2021). Codebook for national elections across democracy and autocracy dataset, 5.0.

Variables in this dataset:

   First Multiparty Election
QoG Code: nelda_fme

This indicates when a newly independent country is having its first elections, when a country holds the first multiparty elections after a significant period of non-democratic rule, or when a country transitions from single-party elections to multiparty elections. Multiparty means that more than one party is allowed to contest the election, and that at least some of the parties are both nominally and effectively independent of the ruling actors. Values: 0. No 1. Yes

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   Media Bias before Election
QoG Code: nelda_mbbe

If there were reports by either domestic or outside actors of media bias in favor of the incumbent or ruling party, it is coded as a 'Yes'. In cases where the media is totally controlled by the government, and/or no opposition is allowed, the answer is 'Yes'. It is possible that the answer is 'No' even if the political system is tightly controlled. Values: 0. No 1. Yes 3. Unclear

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   Was More Than One Party Legal
QoG Code: nelda_mtop

This variable indicates whether multiple political parties were technically legal. The legalization of multiple parties need not necessarily mean the existence of a functioning opposition party, as there may be other non-legal barriers to the development of an opposition party. Similarly, a well organized opposition party may exist but may not be legal. Values: 0. No 1. Yes 3. Unclear

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   Number of Elections, Total
QoG Code: nelda_noe

The number of elections during the year (counting legislative, executive and constituent assembly elections).

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   Number of Elections, Constituent Assembly
QoG Code: nelda_noea

Number of constituent assembly elections during the year.

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   Number of Elections, Executive
QoG Code: nelda_noee

Number of executive elections during the year.

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   Number of Elections, Legislative
QoG Code: nelda_noel

Number of legislative elections during the year.

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   Was Opposition Allowed
QoG Code: nelda_oa

This variable indicates whether at least one opposition political party existed to contest the election. Some countries have multiple government parties but no opposition political party. An opposition party is one that is not in the government, meaning it is not affiliated with the incumbent party in power. Values: 0. No 1. Yes 3. Unclear

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   Riots and Protests after Election
QoG Code: nelda_rpae

If there are protests and riots after elections, a 'Yes' is coded. The riots and protests should at least somewhat be related to the handling or outcome of the election. Values: 0. No 1. Yes 3. Unclear

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   Violence and Civilian Deaths before Election
QoG Code: nelda_vcdbe

If there was any significant violence relating to the elections that resulted in civilian deaths, a 'Yes' is coded. These deaths should be at least plausibly related to the election, though sometimes it is difficult to be certain. Deaths related to civil war that are not intended to influence the election, and are not caused by the election, should not be counted. Values: 0. No 1. Yes 3. Unclear

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