Energy and Infrastructure

This category includes indicators that cover descriptions of different energy sources (production, consumption and trade) and variables related to quality and quantity of different sectors of infrastructure (transportation and communication).

Internet use: Internet banking
QoG Code: eu_iu_iubk
Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_iu_iux
Navigable canals (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trcnlkm
Motorways (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trmwaykm
Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_cnl
Navigable canals, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_mway
Motorways, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rd_oth
Other roads, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_riv
Navigable rivers, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl
Total railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_elc
Electrified railway lines, in kilometers
QoG Code: eu_troad_rl_tge2
Other roads (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrdothkm
Navigable rivers (kilometre)
QoG Code: eu_trrivkm
Total number of passenger cars
QoG Code: eu_vs_lor
Total number of lorries
QoG Code: eu_vs_moto
Total number of motorcycles
QoG Code: eu_vs_spe
Total number of special vehicles
QoG Code: eu_vs_tot_x_tm
Total number of road tractors
QoG Code: eu_vs_trl_strl
Public Services
QoG Code: ffp_ps
Paid Bribe: Electricity
QoG Code: gcb_bel
Paid Bribe: Gas Provider
QoG Code: gcb_bgas
Paid Bribe: Telephone
QoG Code: gcb_btele
Paid Bribe: Utilities
QoG Code: gcb_butil
Infrastructure Score
QoG Code: iiag_inf
E-Citizenship (index)
QoG Code: ipi_e
Nuclear electricity generation Terawatt hours
QoG Code: oecd_nuclearnrj_t1a
Nuclear power plants connected to the grid
QoG Code: oecd_nuclearnrj_t1c
Nuclear power plants under construction
QoG Code: oecd_nuclearnrj_t1d
Crude oil import prices
QoG Code: oecd_oilprices_t1
Production of crude oil
QoG Code: oecd_oilprod_t1
Inland goods transport
QoG Code: oecd_transpgood_t1
Inland passenger transport
QoG Code: oecd_transppasseng_t1
Water abstractions per capita
QoG Code: oecd_water_t1a
Total abstractions of water
QoG Code: oecd_water_t1b
Electricity generation
QoG Code: oecd_welecgen_t1
Total primary energy supply
QoG Code: oecd_wenergys_t1
Total Renewable Energy
QoG Code: pg_regtoreen
Gas production value in 2000 dollars
QoG Code: ross_gas_value_2000
Gas production value in 2014 dollars
QoG Code: ross_gas_value_2014
Oil production in metric tons
QoG Code: ross_oil_prod
Oil production value in 2000 dollars
QoG Code: ross_oil_value_2000
Oil production value in 2014 dollars
QoG Code: ross_oil_value_2014
Oil rents (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_oilrent
QoG Code: wef_elec
Efficiency of seaport services
QoG Code: wef_eport
Efficiency of train services
QoG Code: wef_erail
Internet users
QoG Code: wef_iu
Transport infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qoi
Quality of road infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qroad
Water infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_wi