Public Economy

This category includes economic indicators that reflect the involvement of the government in the economy (taxes, tariff rates and government expenditures), economic key figures of a state (GDP, inflation, and economic inequality), and indicators that characterize the state of the economy (aid-flows, debt).

Economic Output Strength
QoG Code: bti_eos
Economic Performance
QoG Code: bti_ep
Economy Status
QoG Code: bti_mes
Socio-Economic Level
QoG Code: bti_sel
QoG Code: bti_su
Component 2: Objectives
QoG Code: cbi_cobj
Regional Diffusion for CBI
QoG Code: cbi_difreg
Central bank independence in the constitution
QoG Code: cbie_cbiconstitution
Central Bank's Objectives
QoG Code: cbie_obj
Central Bank's Objectives reform
QoG Code: cbie_objref
Economic Globalization
QoG Code: dr_eg
Economic Decline
QoG Code: ffp_eco
Total Export
QoG Code: gle_exp
Real GDP (2005)
QoG Code: gle_gdp
Total Import
QoG Code: gle_imp
Population (in the 1000's)
QoG Code: gle_pop
Real GDP per Capita (2005)
QoG Code: gle_rgdpc
Total Trade
QoG Code: gle_trade
Revenue Forgone (% of GDP)
QoG Code: gted_rfgdp
Revenue Forgone (in USD)
QoG Code: gted_rfusd
Share Direct Taxes
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir
Share Direct Taxes in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir1800
Share Direct Taxes in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir1850
Share Direct Taxes in 1900
QoG Code: gtr_centaxdir1900
Share Government Revenue of GDP
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp
Share Government Revenue of GDP in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp1800
Share Government Revenue of GDP in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp1850
Share Government Revenue of GDP in 1900
QoG Code: gtr_centaxgdp1900
Share Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind
Share Indirect Taxes in 1800
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind1800
Share Indirect Taxes in 1850
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind1850
Share Indirect Taxes in 1900
QoG Code: gtr_centaxind1900
Fiscal Health
QoG Code: hf_fishealth
Monetary Freedom
QoG Code: hf_monetary
Tax Burden
QoG Code: hf_taxbur
Trade Freedom
QoG Code: hf_trade
Legislature Approves Budget
QoG Code: iaep_lap
Open Budget Index
QoG Code: ibp_obi
QoG Code: ictd_grants
Consolidated Non-Tax Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_nontax
Total Resource Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_revres
Social Contributions
QoG Code: ictd_soccon
Taxes on Goods and Services
QoG Code: ictd_taxgs
Taxes on Individuals
QoG Code: ictd_taxind
Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxindirect
Other Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxother
Taxes on Payroll and Workforce
QoG Code: ictd_taxpaywf
Taxes on Property
QoG Code: ictd_taxprop
Resource Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxres
Gini Coefficient
QoG Code: lis_gini
Mean Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_meaneqi
Median Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_medeqi
Percentile Ratio (80/20)
QoG Code: lis_pr8020
Percentile Ratio (90/10)
QoG Code: lis_pr9010
Percentile Ratio (90/50)
QoG Code: lis_pr9050
Real GDP per Capita
QoG Code: mad_gdppc
Real GDP per Capita (year 1)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1
Real GDP per Capita (year 1000)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1000
Real GDP per Capita (year 1300)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1300
Real GDP per Capita (year 1400)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1400
Real GDP per Capita (year 1500)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1500
Real GDP per Capita (year 1600)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1600
Real GDP per Capita (year 1700)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1700
Real GDP per Capita (year 1800)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1800
Real GDP per Capita (year 1900)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1900
Current account balance
QoG Code: oecd_bop_t1
Real GDP growth
QoG Code: oecd_evogdp_t1
Real value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1c
Outflows of foreign direct investment
QoG Code: oecd_fdiflstk_t1a
Inflows of foreign direct investment
QoG Code: oecd_fdiflstk_t1b
Total FDI Index
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1a
Primary sector
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1b
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1c
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1d
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1e
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1f
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1g
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1h
Financial services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1i
Business services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1j
Outward FDI stocks
QoG Code: oecd_fdistock_t1a
Inward FDI stocks
QoG Code: oecd_fdistock_t1b
Structure of central gov. expenditures, defence
QoG Code: oecd_gengovdistri_t1b
Structure of central gov. expenditures, health
QoG Code: oecd_gengovdistri_t1g
General government revenues per capita
QoG Code: oecd_gengovexpend_t1a
General government expenditures per capita
QoG Code: oecd_gengovexpend_t1b
Production costs for general gov. total
QoG Code: oecd_gengovprod_t1d
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D
QoG Code: oecd_gerd_t1
General government net lending
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t1
General government revenues
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t2
General government expenditures
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t3
Real effective exchange rates
QoG Code: oecd_intlcomp_t1
Gross fixed capital formation
QoG Code: oecd_invrates_t1
Long-term interest rates
QoG Code: oecd_ltintrst_t1
Trade balance of goods
QoG Code: oecd_mertrade_t1
Imports of goods
QoG Code: oecd_mertrade_t2
Exports of goods
QoG Code: oecd_mertrade_t3
Gross national income per capita
QoG Code: oecd_natinccap_t1
Triadic patent families
QoG Code: oecd_patents_t1
GDP per hour worked
QoG Code: oecd_prodincom_g1
Share of Researchers per 1,000 people
QoG Code: oecd_research_t1
GDP per capita
QoG Code: oecd_sizegdp_t1
Public social expenditure
QoG Code: oecd_socexpnd_t1a
Private social expenditure
QoG Code: oecd_socexpnd_t1b
Net social expenditure
QoG Code: oecd_socexpnd_t1c
Trade balance of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t1
Imports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t2
Exports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t3
Re-exported intermediates: Business services
QoG Code: oecd_tiva_inter_t1j
Total tax revenue
QoG Code: oecd_totaltax_t1
Value added: industry including energy
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1b
Value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1c
Value added: Information and communication
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1e
Value added: real estate activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1g
Value added in other services activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1j
Economic Satisfaction
QoG Code: per_q17
Inward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_inw
Outward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_outw
Economic Policies: Budgets
QoG Code: sgi_ecbg
Economic Policies: Economy
QoG Code: sgi_ecec
Economic Policies: Taxes
QoG Code: sgi_ectx
Gross APW weekly wage
QoG Code: sied_sgapweek
Gross APW weekly wage
QoG Code: sied_ugapweek
KOLFU: Pointing at deficiencies
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud1
KOLFU: Remarks leads to actions
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud2
KOLFU: Effective measures
QoG Code: swm_kfu_aud3
Cost for roads, streets and parking
QoG Code: swm_kol_costroad
Number of companies in municipality
QoG Code: swm_scb_compno
Municipal owned companies: Assets
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompass
Municipal owned companies: Own capital
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompcap
Municipal owned companies: No of companies
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompno
Municipal owned companies: Yearly result
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompres
Municipal owned companies: Revenue
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncomprev
Municipal tax revenue, in 1000 SEK
QoG Code: swm_scb_taxrev
Number of auditors
QoG Code: swm_skl_aud
Top 10% income share
QoG Code: top_top10_income_share
Top 1% income share
QoG Code: top_top1_income_share
Human Development Index
QoG Code: undp_hdi
Regulatory Quality, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rqe
GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcon2015
GDP per capita (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcur
GDP per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapgr
GDP growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpgr
Gini index
QoG Code: wdi_gini
GNI per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapcon2015
GNI per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapgr
GNI (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicon2015
GNI (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicur
GNI growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gnigr
Income share held by highest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10h
Income share held by lowest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10l
Income share held by second 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh202
Income share held by third 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh203
Income share held by fourth 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh204
Income share held by highest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20h
Income share held by lowest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20l
Interest payments (% of expense)
QoG Code: wdi_interexp
Interest payments (% of revenue)
QoG Code: wdi_interrev
Real interest rate (%)
QoG Code: wdi_intrate
Oil rents (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_oilrent
Services, value added (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_svapgdp
Tax revenue (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_taxrev
Trade (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_trade
Trade in services (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_tradeserv
Debt dynamics
QoG Code: wef_ddyn
QoG Code: wef_infl
Pay and productivity
QoG Code: wef_pp
World Trade Uncertainty Index
QoG Code: wui_wtui